Косвенная речь в английском языке: упражнения, примеры. Секреты английской косвенной речи Упражнения по косвенной речи в английском языке

Пример: She said to me, “Open the window!” – She told me to open the window.

  1. My mother said to me, “Put on your coat!”
  2. My friend said to us, “Don’t come today.”
  3. He said to Mary, “Don’t forget to send me an e-mail.”
  4. Karrie said to me, “Call me tomorrow.”
  5. She said to me, “Don’t shout at me!”

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски словами say и tell в нужной форме.

  1. I…………her that she was my only friend.
  2. Did he…………he would stay in New York?
  3. She…………that she was going to invite me.
  4. They didn’t…………us they were ill.
  5. She…………she didn’t play the piano.

Задание 3. Переведите вопросительные предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

Пример: He asked me, “Do you know my sister?” – He asked me if I knew his sister.

  1. She asked John, “When are you going to come?”
  2. He asked her, “Who is your favourite actor?”
  3. A man asked me, “Do you have a car?”
  4. My father asked me, “Where were you yesterday?”
  5. Helen asked him, “Will you be at home?”

Задание 4. Переведите из прямой речи в косвенную предложения с модальными глаголами.

  1. He said, “I can drive a car.”
  2. She said to me, “You ought to call her.”
  3. She said, “He must stay here.”
  4. They said to me, “You should drive more carefully.”

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски.

  1. ”He came yesterday.” She said that he had come……………
  2. “My parents will arrive today.” He said that his parents would arrive……………
  3. “I will contact you tomorrow.” He said he would contact me………………
  4. “I was there the day before yesterday.” She said she was there………………

Ответы с пояснениями

Задание 1.
  1. My mother told me to put on my coat.

    Если прямая речь выражает приказание, то глагол to say меняется на глагол to tell . Повелительное наклонение заменяется в косвенной речи инфинитивом (глагол с частицей to ).

  2. My friend told us not to come that day.

    Если прямая речь выражает приказание, то глагол to say меняется на глагол to tell . Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения заменяется инфинитивом с частицей not . Today меняется на that day .

  3. He told Mary not to forget to send him an e-mail.

    Если прямая речь выражает приказание, то глагол to say меняется на глагол to tell . Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения заменяется инфинитивом с частицей not .

  4. Karrie told me to call her the next day.

    Если прямая речь выражает приказание, то глагол to say меняется на глагол to tell . Повелительное наклонение заменяется в косвенной речи инфинитивом (глагол с частицей to ). Tomorrow меняется на the next day .

  5. She told me not to shout at her.

    Если прямая речь выражает приказание, то глагол to say меняется на глагол to tell . Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения заменяется инфинитивом с частицей not .

Задание 2.

    После глагола to tell всегда следует косвенное дополнение, обозначающее лицо, к которому обращена просьба или приказание – told her .

    say said

    Косвенного дополнения, обозначающего лицо, к которому обращена просьба или приказание, нет. Поэтому употребление глагола to tell исключено.


    После глагола to tell всегда следует косвенное дополнение, обозначающее лицо, к которому обращена просьба или приказание – tell us .


    Косвенного дополнения, обозначающего лицо, к которому обращена просьба или приказание, нет. Поэтому употребление глагола to tell исключено.

Задание 3.
  1. She asked John when he was going to come.

    Present Simple меняется на Past Simple (are going –> was going). Вопросительный порядок слов заменяется порядком слов повествовательного предложения.

  2. He asked her who was her favourite actor.

    Present Simple меняется на Past Simple (is –> was). В этом предложении “Who is your favourite actor?” вопросительного порядка слов нет изначально, так как это вопрос к подлежащему. В косвенной речи также сохраняется порядок слов повествовательного предложения.

  3. A man asked me if I had a car.

    Present Simple меняется на Past Simple (have –> had). Общие вопросы переводятся в косвенную речь при помощи союзов if/whether . Вопросительный порядок слов заменяется порядком слов повествовательного предложения.

  4. My father asked me where I had been the day before.

    Past Simple меняется на Past Perfect (were –> had been). Вопросительный порядок слов заменяется порядком слов повествовательного предложения. Yesterday меняется на the day before .

  5. Helen asked him if he would be at home.

    Future Simple меняется на Future in the Past (will be –> would be). Общие вопросы переводятся в косвенную речь при помощи союзов if/whether . Вопросительный порядок слов заменяется порядком слов повествовательного предложения.

Задание 4.
  1. He said that he could drive a car.

    В косвенной речи can меняется на could .

  2. She told me that I ought to call her.

    Если после to say имеется дополнение, обозначающее лицо, к которому обращаются с речью (to me), то say заменяется tell . Глагол ought в косвенной речи не изменяется .

Чтобы понять, что такое косвенная речь в английской грамматике, нужно разобраться для начала с тем, что собой представляет прямая речь.

Прямая речь — это фраза какого-либо субъекта, она звучит непосредственно из первых уст и заключается письменно в кавычки

Прямая речь представляет собой отдельное предложение, поэтому после того как открываем кавычки, первое слово пишем с прописной буквы. В английском языке после слов, указывающих кто говорит, ставится запятая. В то время как в русском мы ставим двоеточие:

  • Он сказал: «Я верну твою книгу завтра».

He said, «I will return your book tomorrow.»

Косвенная речь является способом передачи слов, сказанных другим человеком, при этом передающий преобразует чужие слова грамматически и по смыслу, чтобы было понятно, кому они принадлежат, сохраняя при этом общее содержание сказанного.

  • Он сказал, что вернет мою книгу на следующий день.

He said that he would return my book the next day. Секреты английской косвенной речи

Косвенная речь — преобразованная прямая

В повествовательных предложениях английского языка происходит ряд изменении при превращении прямой речи в косвенную:

    1. После слов, которые вводят фразу автора, запятая уже не ставится
    2. После вводных слов ставится союз that (что), иногда можно обойтись без него
    3. Если в вводных словах есть глагол to say (сказать), он заменяется на to tell (сказать), если после него следует дополнение, указывающее кому фраза адресуется

Следующая таблица с наглядными примерами поможет понять правила, что перечислены выше.

Главные предложения — это именно те вводные слова, такие как «Люк сказал», «она утверждает», «родители ответили» и т. д. Они сохраняют свою временную форму:

  • Present Indefinite (Настоящее Простое)
  • Present Perfect (Настоящее Совершенное)
  • Future Indefinite (Будущее Простое), даже будучи частью косвенной речи

Таблица с примерами опять же поможет вам уяснить данное правило

Постепенно мы подошли к важному моменту грамматики, который необходимо разобрать для понимания, как образуется косвенная речь в английском языке. Я имею виду правила согласования времен английского языка в косвенной речи. Следующая таблица передает принцип перехода времен (в верхней колонке — время, которое используется в прямой речи, в нижней колонке — время, которое нужно использовать в косвенной).

На примерах рассмотрим, как может измениться время при преобразовании речи.

  1. Present Simple (Настоящее простое) -> Past Simple (Прошедшее Простое)
    • Nick said, «I learn English.» — Ник сказал: «Я учу английский.»
    • Nick said that he learnt English. — Ник сказал, что он учит английский
  2. Present Progressive (Настоящее Длительное) -> Past Progressive (Прошедшее Длительное)
    • Leonardo said, «I am reading the book now.» — Леонардо сказал: «Я читаю книгу сейчас.»
    • Leonardo said that he was reading the book then. — Леонардо сказал, что он читает книгу сейчас
  3. Present Perfect (Настоящее Совершенное) -> Past Perfect (Прошедшее Совершенное)
    • Angelina said, «I have seen him this morning.» — Анжелина сказала: «Я видела его этим утром.»
    • Angelina said that she had seen him that morning. — Анжелина сказала, что она видела его этим утром
  4. Past Progressive (Прошедшее Длительное) -> Past Progressive / Past Perfect Progressive (Прошедшее Совершенное Длительное)
    • Robert said, «I was swimming.» — Роберт сказал: «Я плавал.»
    • Robert said that he was swimming. — Роберт сказал, что он плавал.
    • Robert said that he had been swimming. — Роберт сказал, что он плавал
  5. Past Simple (Прошедшее Простое) -> Past Perfect (Прошедшее Совершенное)
    • Nina said, «I wrote the letters.» — Нина сказала: «Я писала письма.»
    • Nina said that she had written the letters. — Нина сказала, что она писала письма
  6. Future Simple (Будущее Простое) -> Future in the Past (Будущее в Прошедшем)
    • Kate said, «I will find the solution of this problem." — Кейт сказала: «Я найду решение этой проблемы.»
    • Kate said that she would find the solution of this problem. — Кейт сказала, что найдет решение этой проблемы

Английская грамматика строго регламентирует употребление нужных в том или ином случае временных форм. Дело в том, что каждая из них имеет свои особенности, через которые очевидна информация о периоде совершения действия. При переводе на русский язык, эти тонкости не так ощутимы, ввиду того, что русская грамматика отлична от английской.

Необходимые модификации в вопросительных и повелительных предложениях

  1. Косвенный вопрос отличается от обычного вопроса:
    • Имеет прямой порядок слов, то есть структуру подобную повествовательному предложению
    • Не требует вопросительного знака
    • Не нуждается в Present Simple и Past Simple во вспомогательном глаголе to do , который заменяется на if (ли)
      • Daniel said, «Do you want to walk?" — Даниил сказал: «Ты хочешь погулять?»
      • Daniel asked if I want to walk. — Даниил спросил, хочу ли я погулять
    • Правила согласования времен между главным и придаточным предложением остаются таким же, как и в повествовательного типа предложениях
    • Специальные вопросительные слова по-прежнему остаются в косвенной речи, помогая создать связь между главным и придаточным предложениями.
      • Bob asked me, «When did you meet her?» — Боб спросил: «Когда ты видел её?»
      • Bob asked me when I had met her. — Боб спросил, когда я её видел
  2. Косвенные просьбы и приказания:
    • Используются такие вводные глаголы
      Для просьб:
      • to ask — просить
      • to beg — просить
      • to implore — умолять

      Для приказаний :

      • to tell — сказать, велеть, приказать
      • to order — приказывать
      • to allow — разрешать
    • После вводной части следует инфинитивная конструкция
      To + глагол
      Просьба :
      • Lisa says, «Be attentive, please!» — Лиза говорит: «Будь внимателен, пожалуйста!»
      • Lisa asks to be attentive. — Лиза попросит быть внимательным.


      • Jack says, «Learn English!» — Джек говорит: «Учи английский!»
      • Jack tells to learn English. — Джек велит учить английский.
    • Если нужна отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения, следует перед инфинитивной конструкцией поставить частицу -not
      • Kim says, «Don"t talk so loudly!» — Ким говорит: «Не говори так громко!»
      • Kim orders not to talk so loudly. — Ким приказывает не говорить так громко

Проверочные упражнения

Indirect Speech (10 -11)

    Transform direct speech into indirect speech.

    The teacher asks the children: “Give me your test books please!”

    Mother insists: “ You should visit the doctor”.

    The doctor said to Sam: “Don’t eat meat”.

    My friend suggests me: “Let’s go to the pictures!”

    My father forbids: “ Don’t come home so late!”

    Mother ordered the children: “ Wash your hands!”

    My sister demands: “ Help me please”.

I Transform Direct Speech into Indirect Speech. Make necessary changes.

1. They said: “ We are going to the cinema with our classmates”.

2. Ann said: “I will finish this task tomorrow”.

3. Bobby told me: “My friend hasn’t done her homework today”.

4. He told us: “I bought this ticket yesterday”.

5. My brother told me: “Your friend came to see you an hour ago”.

7. Peter said: “I understand these explanations”.

8. I said to the teacher: “ I don’t write this essay”.

II. Imperative. Questions.

    The conductor said to a passenger: “Close the door, please”.

    The teacher said to the children: “Don’t make such a noise!”

    He wondered: “Who is the next?”

    She asked: “Where did they go last week?”

    They asked me: “Do you play the piano?”

    The teacher wondered: “ Did you study hard for the exam?”

    The teacher said: “When will you come, Nick?”

Change the sentences using Indirect Speech. Don’t forget Sequence of Tenses.

    She told me “I have written these letters to several of my cousins”.

    They said: “We are in the office today”.

    Mother told me “Your friend called on you half an hour ago”.

    I answered: “I won’t be able to do this task tomorrow”.

    Mary said: “I don’t like this play”.

    The children shouted: “We didn’t write anything yesterday”.

    I said to mother: “I wasn’t sleeping when you came yesterday”.

    The teacher asked the children: “Have you done your homework?”

    I asked: “Do you like this dinner, nick?”

    They asked us: “Will you help us?”

    The doctor said to Sam: “Don’t eat meat!”

    The customer said to the shop-assistant: “Show me this sweater, please!”

    Dr. Dobson asked Dr. Britt: “How many patients do you have today?”

    Mother asked me: “What are you going to do?”

    Mary asked: “Why don’t you want to swim in the pool, Sam?”

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Упражнение 1.

1. “Have you got a Russian-English dictionary?” he asked me. “Can you let me have it for this evening? I must do some very difficult translation.” “All right,” I said. “I won’t need it tonight.”

2. “I thought about you last night, Lydia,” said Nellie. “Have you decided to go to Omsk with your parents or will you remain here with your aunt until you finish school?”

3. “Have you done your homework or did you leave it till the evening, Bob?” asked Mike. “ I thought of inviting you to go to the theatre with me, but I remembered that you nearly always do your homework in the evening.”

4. “I am fond of Dickens,” said Jack. “ I have been reading ‘The Old Curiosity Shop’ the whole week. I like the novel very much. I am reading it for the second time.”

5. “I think my friend has finished reading ‘Jane Eyre’ ,” said Tanya. “I hope she will give it to me soon: I am eager to read it.”

1. He asked me if I had a Russian-English dictionary. He wondered if I could let him have it for that evening. He added that he must (had to) do some very difficult translation. I agreed and added that I should not need the dictionary that night.

2. Nellie told Lydia that she had thought about her the night before. She wanted to know if Lydia had decided to go to Omsk with her parents or whether she would remain there with her aunt until she finished school.

3. Mike asked Bob if he had done his homework or left it till the evening. He added that he had thought of inviting Bob to go to the theatre with him but had remembered that he nearly always did his homework in the evening.

4. Jack said that he was fond of Dickens. He said that he had been reading “The Old Curiosity Shop” the whole week. He added that he liked the novel very much and that he was reading it for the second time.

5. Tanya said that she thought her friend had finished reading “Jane Eyre” . She added that she hoped her friend would give it to her soon and explained that she was eager to read it.

Упражнение 2.

Восстановите прямую речь в предложениях.

1. Mary wondered if Jane would be busy the next day. - Will you be busy tomorrow?

2. John asked Mary if she was afraid of thunderstorm.

3. He asked her if she had ever walked in rainy weather.

5. The woman asked her son if he was in a hurry.

6. Ann asked if they would go to the country the next day.

7. Kate asked her friend what she liked to do on her days off.

8. I asked the secretary if I might speak to the headmistress.

9. Nick wanted to know if Helen would give him her book.

10. Tom asked if Jane would come to the Philharmonic with him. Jane asked at what time he was planning to go. Tom said that it would take them long to get there. Jane asked where they would meet.

2. Are you afraid of thunderstorm?

3. Have you ever walked in rainy weather?

4. I prefer sunny days.

5. Are you in a hurry?

6. Will you go to the country tomorrow?

7. What do you like to do on your days off?

9. Will you give me your book?

10. Will you come to the Philharmonic with me? - At what time are you planning to go? - It will take us long to get there. - Where shall we meet?

Упражнение 3.

Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

1. «Do you know where the Browns live?» we asked a passerby.

2. «There are a lot of trains to my station on Sunday,» said Andrew to us. «You will have no problems getting to my country place.»

3. «Do you often meet my sister at the library?» he asked me.

4. «Will the teacher return our exercise books today?» asked Nick.

5. «My nephew is a very capable young man,» said the woman. «He has just graduated from college, but he is already a very skilful specialist.»

6. «Sit still and don’t move your head,» said the doctor to me.

7. «I want to know how your cousin likes working at this hospital,» said Vera to Helen.

8. «Don’t forget to bring your exercise books tomorrow,» said the teacher to us. «You are going to write a very important paper.»

9. «How can I get to the circus?» asked the girl. «Take tram number five,» said the man.

10. «I am very sorry, Kate,» said Mike, «I have forgotten to bring your dictionary.»

11. «When does your mother go shopping?» asked the neighbour.

1. We asked a passerby whether he knew where the Browns lived.

2. Andrew told us that there were a lot of trains to his station on Sunday and added that we should have no problems getting to his country place.

3. He asked me if I often met his sister at the library.

4. Nick wanted to know if the teacher would return their exercise books that day.

5. The woman said that her nephew was a very capable young man. She added that he had just graduated from college, but he was already a very skilful specialist.

6. The doctor told me to sit still and not to move my head.

7. Vera told Helen that she wanted to know how her cousin liked working at that hospital.

8. The teacher told us not to forget to bring our exercise books the next day and explained that we were going to write a very important paper.

9. The girl wanted to know how she could get to the curcus. The man told her to take tram number five.

10. Mike told Kate that he was very sorry and added that he had forgotten to bring her dictionary.

11. The neighbour wondered when my mother went shopping.

Упражнение 4.

Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

1. Не said to me: «Come at nine o’clock, I shall be free at that time and we shall have a nice cup of coffee.»

2. Nina asked her friend: «What did the professor speak about in his lecture?»

3. Ann said: «He is one of the best speakers I have ever heard.»

4. He said: «I haven’t yet seen the film you are talking about.»

5. He said: «I seldom went to see my friend in May as I was very busy.»

6. She asked her brother: «Will you manage to get tickets to the Philharmonic on Sunday?»

7. My friend said: «We arrived in Kiev on Saturday and the next day we went to have a look around the city.»

8. She said to me: «Did you live in St. Petersburg ten years ago?»

9. She said to me: «Are you going to leave St. Petersburg for the summer?»

10. My friend said to me: «The discussion will still be going on when you return.»

11. He said: «I am proud of my brother who took the first prize at the competition.»

12. She asked me: «How long have you been living in St. Petersburg?»

13. She said: «He has just left.»

14. He asked me: «When will your parents arrive in St. Petersburg?»

15. She said to me: «Were you present at the meeting yesterday?»


1. He told me to come at nine o’clock and added that he would be free at that time and we should have a nice cup of coffee.

2. Nina asked her friend what the professor had spoken about in his lecture.

3. He said that the man was one of the best speakers he had ever heard.

4. He said that he had not yet seen the film I was talking about.

5. He said that he had seldom gone to see his friend in May as he had been very busy.

6. She asked her brother whether he would manage to get tickets to the Philharmonic on Sunday.

7. My friend said that they had arrived in Kiev on Saturday and the next day they had gone to have a look around the city.

8. She asked if I had lived in St. Petersburg ten years before.

9. She asked me if I was going to leave St. Petersburg for the summer.

10. My friend told me that the discussion would still be going on when I returned.

11. He said that he was proud of his brother who had taken the first prize at the competition.

12. She wanted to know how long I had been living in St. Petersburg.

13. She said that he had just left.

14. He was interested to know when my parents would arrive in St. Petersburg.

15. She wanted to know if I had been present at the meeting the day before.

Упражнение 5.

Переделайте предложения из прямой в косвенную речь.


Tom. What would you do if you were in my shoes?

Tim. I would polish them.


Teacher. What’s wrong in the sentence “Ann didn’t go to the library yesterday as she had had a birthday”?

Student. If the sentence which had “had had”


A nervous passenger approached the captain timidly. “What would happen,” she asked, “if we struck a large iceberg?” “The iceberg would pass on as if nothing had happened,” replied the captain. The old lady was very much relieved.


Wife. Darling, where would you go for a holiday if you could afford it?

Husband. I would go somewhere I’ve never been to.

Wife. Well, how about the kitchen?


Roger. Why do you think your marriage has lasted so well?

Jeff. My wife and I always have dinner out on Saturdays.

Roger. How very romantic! I wish Laura and I had done so too, maybe we wouldn’t have parted. Where do you go?

Jeff. Well, I go for a Chinese. I haven’t the foggiest idea where she goes.

Roger. Well, well, sometimes two is a crowd, too.


had had “had”, it would have been correct.

1. Tom asked Tim what he would do if he were in his shoes. Tim answered that he would polish them.

2. The teacher asked the student what was wrong in the sentence “Ann didn’t go…”. The student explained that if the sentence which had “had had” had had “had”, it would have been correct.

3. A nervous passenger approached the captain timidly and asked him what would happen if they struck a large iceberg. The captain replied that the iceberg would pass on as if nothing had happened. The old lady was very much relieved.

4. A wife asked her husband where he would go for a holiday if he could afford it. The husband answered that he would go somewhere he had never been to. The wife offered him to go to the kitchen.

5. Roger asked Jeff why he thought his marriage had lasted so well. Jeff explained that he and his wife always had dinner out on Saturdays. Roger considered it to be very romantic. He said he wished Laura and he had done so too, then they wouldn’t have parted. And he wondered where they usually went. Jeff replied that he personally went for a Chinese. And he added that he had no idea (didn’t have the foggiest idea) where she went. To this Roger remarked that sometimes two is a crowd, too.

1. Закончите предложения в косвенной речи.

Например: Let me sing for you. (Разрешите мне спеть для вас.) – John offered to sing for me. (Джон предложил спеть для меня.)

1. “Why don’t you take some aspirin?” (Почему бы тебе не выпить аспирин?) – He suggested …. (Он предложил …)

2. “You should never tell lies.” (Нельзя говорить неправду.) – Mary taught us … (Мэри учила нас …

3. “I will not swim so far.” (Я не поплыву так далеко.) – He refused … (Он отказался …)

4. “Please don’t shout at me.” (Пожалуйста, не кричи на меня.) – Kate begged … (Кэйт умоляла …)

5. “Put some mushrooms in the soup.” (Добавь немного грибов в суп.) – Father told … (Папа сказал …)

6. “Could you wash up after our dinner?” (Ты не мог бы помыть посуду после нашего ужина?) – She asked … (Она попросила …)

2. Преобразуйте общие вопросы в косвенную речь, обращая особое внимание на времена.

Например: Can I have some pocket money? (Можно мне немного карманных денег?) – His son asked if he could have some pocket money. (Его сын спросил, можно ли ему немного карманных денег.)

1. Do you live in Brazil? (Ты живешь в Бразилии?) – They asked her …

2. Is Johnny dancing rock-n-roll? (Джонни танцует рок-н-ролл?) – She wondered …

3. Are they angry with him? (Они на него злятся?) – We wanted to know ..

4. Has Lara finished her lunch? (Лара закончила обедать?) – I asked …

5. Will she show me her paintings? (Она покажет мне свои картины?) – He wondered …

6. Did you work as a sales assistant? (Ты работал продавцом?) – I asked him …

7. Can I go to the playground? (Можно мне пойти на игровую площадку?) – My niece asked me …

8. Does Mike produce dairy products? (Майк производит молочные продукты?) – They wondered …

3. Преобразуйте специальные вопросы в косвенную речь.

Например: Where did you buy such a lovely dress? (Где ты купила такое красивое платье?) – I asked my mother where she had bought such a lovely dress. (Я спросила маму, где она купила такое красивое платье.)

1. How far is the hospital? (Как далеко находится больница?) – She wanted to know ..

2. Where are they? (Где они находятся?) – I asked …

3. Why were the kids frightened? (Почему дети были напуганы?) – He wondered …

4. When can I call you back? (Когда я могу тебе перезвонить?) – I asked her …

5. Which boat did Tom choose? (Какую лодку выбрал Том?) – We wondered …

6. How often do you load the paper into the tray? (Как часто ты загружаешь бумагу в лоток?) – She asked him …

7. When will the ceremony start? (Когда начнется церемония?) – I wanted to know …

8. How many fish has he caught? (Сколько рыбы он поймал?) – We wondered …

9. Why did you play a trick on her? (Зачем ты над ней подшутил?) – I asked him …

10. What does she sell in the market? (Что она продает на рынке?) – They asked …


1. He suggested I should take some aspirin.
2. Mary taught us not to tell lies.
3. He refused to swim so far.
4. Kate begged not to shout at her.
5. Father told to put some mushrooms in the soup.
6. She asked to wash up after their dinner.

1. They asked her if she lived in Brazil.
2. She wondered if Johnny was dancing rock-n-roll.
3. We wanted to know if they were angry with him.
4. I asked if Lara had finished her lunch.
5. He wondered if she would show him her paintings.
6. I asked him if he had worked as a sales assistant.
7. My niece asked me if she could go to the playground.
8. They wondered if Mike produced dairy products.

1. She wanted to know how far the hospital was.
2. I asked where they were.
3. He wondered why the kids had been frightened.
4. I asked her when I could call her back.
5. We wondered which boat Tom had chosen.
6. She asked him how often he loaded the paper into the tray.
7. I wanted to know when the ceremony would start.
8. We wondered how many fish he had caught.
9. I asked him why he had played a trick on her.
10. They asked what she sold in the market.