Who is 2 personal person. What is bindedness

- An individual who in the shower and on the mind is not what he shows people. About humanity is known for a long time. In the ancient peoples, there was a two-faced God to Janus, who occupied an important place in the Roman Pantheon. He was depicted with two persons facing the past and the future. Janus was a very respected deity. The blessing of God had a positive value. Classical psychology talks about the duality and ambivalence of man. About the phenomenon of hypocrisy, as a synonym of duplicities, we can learn more thanks to modern research work. It should be noted that still the term of duplicity is more subjective-philosophical concept.

Double-deceased personality

Personality is a combination of certain qualities of an individual. Stripping from the semantics of the word, two-room - having two faces. To understand how duplicity is formed, affect the concept of personality structure. Jung and Freud said that the identity consists of a conscious, unconscious and collective unconscious. All complexes refer to the category of unconscious, it can be assumed that duplicity is also, as it is formed due to internal conflicts, fears and contradictions. Personal conflict occurs only inside the person, he is associated with a man's psyche. Such is the basis of changes in personality.

Causes of duplicate formation

How is the duplicity formed? Many psychologists, for example, Elkonin, Vygotsky, note the ambivalence of the individual by their nature, that is, duality. In man laid male and female, otherwise we would have experienced disgust for the opposite sex. A small child absorbs the behavioral attitudes of those who are near, male or female. Psychologists note: when an individual is trying to consciously divide the ambivalent parts of his personality, such problems may arise as, for example, schizophrenia.

Where are the reasons for duplicities known to us? Mostly, this feature is laid in the character of a person during orphanage. It is based on the relationship, called the psychologists "I and others". Deep loneliness, egoism, as well as psychological injuries, alienation in the team, the feeling of its inferiority lead to a personal conflict. It is difficult for a person to show sincerity with people and himself. Even the lack of proper education, instruments of adults lead to duplex. It is also two in adulthood. Dissatisfaction with the device of the world may entail hypocritical behavior. Wanting easier to achieve the goal, the individual uses all the methods, including duplicate. Only he can not always understand his motive.

Duplicate, lie, pretense, hypocrisy

Phenomena doubles there is a similarity with hypocrisy, lie and pretense. Paul Ekman in the book "Psychology of Lie" explores the causes of behavior where there is a lie. The author notes: "Based on the analysis of certain behavioral signs, you can recognize a lie in time." But in all likelihood, a lie is made by a person with a greater degree of awareness than double-depletion, which is a change of masks. It is much more difficult to recognize it. Lies can give certain factors: the voice, view, features of the vegan system. With duplex everything is more complicated.

Pretense - No sincerity, it is similar to a lie. The pretense is a more harmless concept than duplicate. The reason for pretending can be fear, shyness. The duplicate more often involves the goal.

Double-deceased and hypocrisy - character traits. A hypocrisy is also typical of an animal world (animals often use it as protection). In our society, hypocritical behavior is often found, it is no longer considered modern psychology, as definitely negative. Doubles are a hypocrite device.

A distinctive feature of doubles - faith surrounding the fact that a two-friendly person is himself. Do not believe it is difficult, since it really is true. But soon such a person will become completely different, and he will be again.

How do double people behave and how to recognize a double person?

Alas, a two-room person is almost impossible to recognize. Such an individual is in all likelihood not the one seems to be true to understand it is difficult. Here only the time will be the assistant. Often, the detection of doubles can be a blow to the relationship. But it is necessary to realize: much depends on our expectations, because, often, people idealize others, taking the desired for valid.

A two-room person is predominantly personality alienated, lonely deep inside. But this behavior may be social protection. Human psychology researchers note: everyone has an individual way of adapting to life in society and its own method of achieving goals. Double people are confident that there is no case to the truth around. They do not care about other people's interests. Therefore, they can, for example, at work to introduce themselves to a person, a leading healthy lifestyle, in the unofficial setting abuse smoking and harmful food. They do not consider such an image of action bad, because they need it to preserve a certain image.

Familiar female behavior can be seen when a girl learns that her girlfriend speaks about her with different not that she personally. As it is not surprising, it should be noted that this feature is laid by nature. Therefore, you should not be too afraid of conversations behind your back. People always said and will talk about each other, unfortunately, not always pleasant and truthful things.

Double-deceased to salvation. What threatens duplicate.

Double people existed at all times. Probably, each of us met with them. Is it possible to understand a hypocrite?

In fact, the expectation of perfect behavior, even from the most proven people, is not always justified, people tend to change. Perhaps it is not worth viewing duplicate one-sided. This feature can be used in good facilities, such as protection. If a person faced an attacker, become fearless, even if he feels terribly, it happens quite by the way. And it happens, you need to protect against negative communication.

But since the frequent two-day behavior included in the habit is based on internal conflicts, fears and is associated with the psyche, the hypocriser often arises depression and this kind of disorder. Beginning to pretend once, getting used to it, a person will be forced to do it again. And having learned about such a feature of the character, close to it would want to break the relationship at all.

Is the hypocriser happy? It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer. Yes, the duality is laid in our nature, and you need to relate to duplex. However, duplicity may be excessive, this feature poisons life. But always in our power to understand the essence of your behavior and make life to become harmonious, complete confidence and mutual understanding.

Summing up, let's say that two-probability can be reasonable. Personality of man multifaceted. Twice, like duality, is in every person. But someone often uses it in his life, and someone is not. So, this feature may be harmless and not very. Double-density devices are difficult to determine, everyone can only make a choice for himself.

Very often in our world, we hear from people annoyed talk about behaving. "Yes, he is a hypocrite! How did he dare?! He just carries a mask! He is a catcher-chameleon! He is a two-room person! " "It is such accusations that have to hear almost every day." And, probably, it is unlikely that any of you wondered over the lexical meaning of these words. Hypocrite, a chameleon man, a two-friendly person ... What is the point of what makes these mysterious words in themselves ???
Very often we have to face in life with a lot of people, communicate with them, find an approach to each of them. And, after observing the person, it can be noted that each person is individual, everyone has its own stereotype and character. Haming ter ... Yes, it sounds tempting, and to reveal the character of a person does not always succeed! In general, in its development, a person surpassed all living on Earth! Some of you are very calm, balanced before saying something, will think of his words several times, very tacty. And there are more emotional people in their behavior: they are hot-tempered, hot in their temperament, straight in their conversation. There are good people who are not indifferent to the problems of others are impressionable. And there are people who do not care about everything, besides themselves, people who are ready for their benefit to go to all, "go through the heads" of all mankind, these are people of Egoista. There are people proud, arrogant, hypocritical. Yes, the character of a person's character is too much, it is impossible to describe everything with one sentence. Currently, a person on character temperament is divided into 4 groups: a choleric, a sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic. Many of you are probably already familiar with this typology of people.
Choleric. A distinctive feature of a choler is a strong emotion and a quick change of on-build. That is, in one minute, it can be how very fun, then separate, and then get angry. At the same time, he himself may not understand why she just laughed, and now crying. Movement sharp, the voice is loud, the speech is fast. Quickly lights up anything to do and can also quit. Mobility of the nervous choler's nervic system is greater than its braking. Starting something, puts all its energy there, quickly is-impossible and throws this case, because the forces no longer remains. For example, it may be in some time to rewrite the article and not to add an unacceptable one. Cholerics highly choose work requiring monotony. For them, this will be interesting for some time, and then bounce. In the first place they have activities, impassable communication with people. Holerik has a strong, unbalanced, mobile nervous system.
Sanguine. About the Sanguine can be said that he is cheerful and energetic, spreads joy and warmth around itself. As well as the choleric emotions are strong and under-graded, but balanced. That is, it is very active, but tranquility reigns inside. If there is a failure, then the Sanguine is quickly coming in itself and continues to live, as it did not happen. Sanguinik is engaged in what he wants and because of this can not be in one place for a long time. At the same time he has a lot of performance. And if something does, then it makes it a drink, at a time. This type of temperament prevails a good mood, so Sanguines are easily converged with other people. The movements are fast, like a choleric. Toppy speech and loud voice prevails. The body structure is complete, like Chinese wants - Tolstoy and cheerful. Sanguine is a kind. Sanguine is a strong, a strong, movable, balanced.
Melancholic. Melancholic is a sad person who behaves so that it is about to pay. Sadness spreads around it for many meters. Thoughts in the head of Melancholic about the inevitable and necessarily sorrow. It is noteworthy that all this happens is dit inside and is almost not visible outside. If it is offended, then on the face and body a little will reflect, but in the soul there will be a deep wound. Externally, melancholics look thin, sad and fussy. They stretch to people and react very well to what is happening around. At the same time quickly falls out in emotions and cannot control them. Mostly afraid or write. Are engaged in what others say. For example, Melancholic girls read tips in women's magazines and immaculately follow them. In our society, a typical example of melancholics is the subculture of Emo-Kidd. Best of all melancholics are the activities that are not related to the emotional sphere - programming, design, accounting. Melancholic is weak, movable, unbalanced type of nervous system.
Phlegmatic person. About phlegmatics can be said that he is very leisurely. His emotions are slow and very difficult to shift from one position. He laughs little and annoyed, almost always calm and it is difficult to withdraw from this state. When something speaks about something, then without any emotions, monotonously, so it is difficult to communicate with them. Phlegmatic saves emotions and, when a turning point comes, he flies them. In each movement it is felt and confidence. Thinks and makes the solutions of phlegmatic for a very long time, but by making a choice, he will not retreat from him. Once in a new environment, phlegmatic, most likely there will be lonely, as he needs time to get used to the situation. It will communicate with those people with whom the sign will also prefer not to notice others, because they create discomfort for him. For phlegmatics, it is best to be monotonous, constant work, without changing the type of activity. Here he will show itself better than others, because it is very efficient when it goes in a rut. An example of phlegmatics is a terminator. Phlegmatic has a weak, balanced, inert nervous system.
But where can one be attributed to two people? And what are their behavior in society? In my opinion, these are artificial people, people are unnatural, pacifier people ... people who play roles, like in the theater, people who "wear masks." These are people - chamele-ones who change their painting depending on the best location ... These are two-personal people ... People who are trying to get into our soul, and then, in a convenient moment for them, the knife is inserted into the back ... First, these people are very kind in relation to us. They, I would say, very cunning and smart, and these two words will be used as synonyms. Such people will try to undergo us in confidence if they need it. And then, will develop a strategy against our own words or actions. They will use our speeches against us themselves, but will make it very carefully, thinking first every detail, they use their weapons at the right moment and in the next hour. And perhaps they will present "their gift" right in our eyes, or they will do it behind our back ... Yes, it's a shame, however, it happens that people who are distinguished by their inner world in the end betray us, but we will not understand it immediately ... They will act very carefully ... We will smile cute, and for our back, you will do some kind of pig, we will not have time to sneeze.
Nevertheless, duplicity is the norm or diagnosis? Doubles rather normal than a diagnosis. Man plays certain roles. Sometimes during the execution of one role, it is a contradiction with the functions of another. From here there is a two-way. That is, the contradiction of social roles defines a person as insincere. But it is not so. Changes in the conditions requires changing the roles - masks, and within the framework of the same role a person does not deceive anyone. Another situation when a person changes the masks not by virtue of the changed conditions, and the fun for the sake of the sake of their natural artistic, without any special needs. Here in this case - duplicity is rather diagnosed. And most often the duplicity of people is their diagnosis. But, I think this is a healing diagnosis. I believe that everything in our world falls into circles its own. All evil, which they ever caused us, will return to them back. For "Evil, emitted by you, will return to you by sure," this is life.

As it turned out, I am very close familiar with double people. Today I want to talk about why some people are becoming such.

Sister or her second "I"

I have a cousin Irina. She is a little younger than me. We were friends all childhood and youth. Now only occasionally communicate, meeting on holidays from relatives. The sister turned out to be very egoistic in nature, and this egoism contributed to its dowel.

Irina from childhood was like that. She was openly smiling at me, called to play new dolls or read books. And then told me about me to other nasty children. I didn't notice this then.

And when the neighbor boys tried to open his eyes, I did not believe that my sister could be like that, and offended by the guys.

At the time of the wonderful youth I called. Somehow I heard with my own ears of Irina. She stood back to me and did not see how I came up. It was about me about one guy from our company. Irina said that I run behind him that I am "hanging" to the guys that you need to stay away from me.

I realized that Irina just like the very guy, so she says about me. But I did not like that she disseminate such gossip. When I called it on a frank conversation, my sister did not even deny anything.

Imagine, it turns out, she was friends with me, because I'm learning well, and many girls and boys deal with me because of this. And she also told them as a child, which gives me to write off, so I have in my diary "4" and "5".

And when the guys began to pay attention to me, she chopped them off with gossip. Showed everyone as she is kind and good, and what bad I am. That evening, we were very crowded and since then we almost do not speak. But the most interesting thing is that the whole relatives thinks that I am offended by the "poor me".

Friend are you me or who?

At the Institute, I moved with one girl. Until the last course, Olesya was my friend. And I, naive soul, believed that we have a real friendship. But Olesya just used me.

Olesya seemed to me such a kind, trying to help everyone who I even envied her. She cared for a whole month after a sick grandfather. And I rewrote the lectures for her and did test work and the course project.

And my friend helped the shelter of homeless animals, so I did not have time to go through the practice and make a report on it. I did everything on the kindness of the soune.

Olesya told classmates, what I am "Holy Simplicity", and that I still write her thesis to her for free and "excellent." Perhaps it would be, if it were not for a teacher who was my graduation curator. She pretty in a tight form forbade me to communicate with the Olesy's party, until I rent my finished diploma project.

That ban and opened the whole truth. My girlfriend renounced and screamed that it was so hoping that I would write her work, and I led her. So with the help of doubles, she made himself until the very diploma protection itself.

Have you met double people? What do you think they were so with you?

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Duplicity - The term used to characterize the person who says one thing thinks another, and makes the third.
Yatsenko N.E. / Explanatory dictionary of public term

Under the duplicity is a tendency to hide its true emotions and feelings, to make obviously immoral acts under the liquefied sublime motives. Based on the duplex can lie, but most often the hypocrisy creates the fear of the personality to show his true face and be rejected. The root of the problem often lies in childhood when the child loved "for something", and a person, becoming an adult, believes that such as it is in fact, admit and adopt it is impossible. The hypocrisy often cares about the opinion of others, and he, to get their approval and recognition, is able to abandon its principles.

Double-density from mercenary purposes - it is often called flattery or zealism - can practice a person with a normal self-esteem, embodying the principle of "you - I am". Such people, as a rule, do not feel guilt and remorse of conscience - hypocrisy is firmly entrusted with their character and becomes a personal role.

To get rid of duplicity, it is necessary to eradicate mercenary from their motives and learn to take themselves with true, not putting on the masks of the person who want to hear.

  • Doubleness is fake and hypocrisy.
  • Doubleness is the limit form of conformism.
  • Doubles are excessive moral flexibility and unprincipledness.
  • Doubleness is the lack of a clear life position.
  • Doubleness is the suppression of its "I" in favor of the circumstances.

Disadvantages of duplicity

  • Doubleness often becomes cause of nervous diseases and depression.
  • Doubleness makes hide, hide your true "I".
  • Doubleness is the foundation of lies, meanness and betrayal.
  • Disobedness causes an inconvenience and internal discomfort in a hypocriser.
  • Two-probability leads to split and subsequent identity degradation.

Manifestations of dildos in everyday life

  • Mythology.Often, two-room person is called "Twilight Janus" - God of all sorts of doors, entrances, exits depicted with two faces favers in opposite sides. "Twilight Janus" is a collective way of an insincere and hypocritical person, but God himself was not seen in such vices.
  • Psychological disorder.The split personality is a psychological disease that is inherent in the separation of one person into several "ego". Ego personality often have a different temperament, gender, age and "switch" to each other at certain points or situations. Frequent reasons of disorder are physical violence and severe emotional injuries.
  • Sigmund Freud.According to the teachings of the famous psychologist, hypocrisy is an integral part of the joint existence of people. Society to some extent approves two-degenerates as a way to maintain order, while the direct statement of his opinion leads to the undermining of his obstacles. However, later conclusions of scientists have denied the two-room nature of a person, proving that any personality feels discomfort if forced to hypocrite.
  • The film "Doubles".The film tells about two policemen leading the "double life": the first is an agent under the cover in the Yakuza clan, another - the Clan agent in the police. Despite the constant threat of disclosure, both agents were immaculately played their roles - until they were given a task to calculate each other.

How to overcome dildosity

  • Take yourself as it is.Between the concepts of "to be" and "seem" falls abyss. Playing the role of a strong, bold and friendly person, not to become. Learn how to take yourself as it is, without fear of calling the negative surrounding - it is better to be sincere grumbling than a fake clown.
  • Do not change your principles.A two-room person often changes his opinion under the influence of circumstances, but treason cannot be justified or fear or personal gain. Stay true to yourself - and life will reward you with what you unsuccessfully tried to achieve false.
  • Get rid of the pearls.The desire to extract personal or material benefits from relations with people is the highest measure of egoism that replaces the eternal values \u200b\u200bby transient. Start appreciate friendly and friendly relations, enjoying sincere and disinterested communication with others.
  • Exclude the sickness and envy.Often it is envy and the habit of whispering behind the back are the most bad manifestations of duplicity. Get rid of the tendency to speak one thing, and behind the back is another. Transform envy to other people in the source of admiration and inspiration, without using it as an occasion for crosses.

Golden mean


Sincerity, truthfulness

Excessive straightness, tactlessness

Winged bonding expressions

The one who is wearing a mask, as a rule, has no face. - Elena Zhukova - hypocrisy - this is a tribute that vice pays virtue. - Francois de Larancyfort - only a liar can be worse than the liar, which is also a hypocrite. - Tennessee Williams - to know everyone preferred in the face. Speak - in the back. - Leonid Sukhorukov - Vladimir Levi / Art of being The creation of the famous doctor-psychotherapist, who in an affordable language tells the reader about internal significance, how to communicate with others, about the art is - and not by someone else. Alexander Donets / Phenomenon envy. Homo Invidens? "The best book about the worst human feeling," this is called this edition. The author tells in detail what envy is why this trait of the character is inherent in most people, and how to get rid of this soul soul.

Accusing someone in hypocrisy, people often use the name of the ancient Roman God Janus, who, as everyone knows, possessed two persons, which means two mouths and four eyes. Those who are not familiar with the ancient mythology may have the impression that this celever personally personified cunning and falsehood, but it is not. Janus was a good good, he symbolized the beginning and end, and also helped find outputs and entrances. Still in his "zone of responsibility" included chaos, and it is the source material for any order. Why? Yes, because it's nothing more from anything.

Pagan politicalism, former in the ancient Roman Empire of the state religion, meant that there are many gods, they form a certain control body with a rigid separation of functions and a certain hierarchy. In this structure, Janus occupied not last. Therefore, not every two-friendly person deserves such a flattering definition.

Generally speaking, any member of society play some roles in certain moments of their life, and Shakespeare was right, calling the whole world theater, and people are actors in it. If you again return to the ancient times, the traditions of the theater in ancient Greece prescribed artists to put on the masks for which their role was guessed. This is happening today, only representatives of the creative profession use their own persons, expressing the entire range of emotions, dictated by the character of the executable character. But is it possible to argue that every actor -

Our life is full of rituals, each of which provides for a wide variety of elements, mandatory for execution. Even if someone from the participants of the ceremony, no matter, joyful or sad, does not share the feelings prescribed by the situation, he is forced to obey the general order and give its own physiognomy to the moment the expression. He "puts on the mask", and everything goes to its own way. And if someone tries to remove her, he will immediately be accused of worn, cynicism and non-compliance with decency. Moreover, they will say that he is a two-room person: she pretended to be decent and now ...

If one's behavior options are only two, then they do not have to talk about sophisticated tricks. A two-room person is not a hypocriser: This cunning is much more larger than the appearance, and they may vary depending on the situation like the colors of chameleon when moving through the jungle. The ability to such mimicry is partly congenital, but mostly increases as mastery achieves, and it falls about multipleness.

But for simplification, you can take a hypothesis that a two-room person is served by the personification of cunning. The definition of the fact that the Visavi can show a certain cunning in the relationship, in general, the procedure is simple, but for this it will take some time. So, the first sign of doubles is non-fulfillment of promises. The second criterion is the ability to lie. And the third is the inability to justify the trust rendered. At least, these three symptoms recommended to pay attention to the outstanding and scientist Rizaitdin Fahretdinov. However, people who wonder life experience can and faster determine that there are two-friendly people in front of them, for this sometimes it is sometimes enough to look into the eyes. The same who wants to learn to understand in the nature of the cunning and signs of falsehood by the Smalod, the book of Alan Pisa "Language of Conditions" will be useful.