Disadvantages and advantages of man: what to write in the resume. Psychological complexes, psychology, body self-treatment, determinant of disease


The concept of psychocorrection. The word "correction" literally means "correction". Psychocorrection is a targeted correction of shortcomings in the psychology or behavior of a person with the help of special means of psychological impact. Psychocorrections are amenable to, as a rule, shortcomings that do not have an organic basis and not represent such sustainable qualities that are formed rather early and then practically do not change.

The main difference between the psychocorrection from the impacts aimed at the psychological development of a person is that psychocorrection deals with already formed personality qualities or types of behavior and is aimed at their alteration, while the main task of psychological development is to be in the absence or Insufficient development to form the necessary psychological qualities in humans.

The difference between psychocorrection from psychotherapy is that psychotherapy is dealing with human psyche diseases and engaged in their treatment. Many anomalies in the psyche and behavior of people who manifest themselves in diseases are similar to those with whom a psychologist dealing with psychocorrection. In some cases, those relating to the borderline state between the norm and pathology - psychocorrection and psychotherapy is difficult to distinguish both by the used methods and according to the results of such an impact. People addressed for help from a psychotherapist are usually called patients, and those who need only psychocorrection assistance are called customers. The client is a normal physically and mentally healthy person who has problems psychological or behavioral in life, and which is not able to resolve them.

Psychocorrection impacts may be the following main species: belief, suggestion, imitation, reinforcement. The conviction is a method of psychocorrecting impact, designed for consciousness and volitional correction by a man of flaws in their psychology and behavior. The conviction helps a person to understand the causes of his difficulties that have arisen from him, reinforces the desire to get rid of the flaws.

The conviction, in turn, can have a number of varieties. The first is to help a person to realize his own shortcomings with the expectation that he himself will find the strength to get rid of them. On this, in particular, the logotherapy, partial psychoanalysis, is calculated. The second type of conviction, except for such assistance, implies an indication of methods with the help of which he could get rid of flaws. Such is, for example, assistance during psychological counseling. The third type of convincing psychocorrection exposure is that from the very beginning the psychologist helps his client. In the 7th, the client voluntarily and consciously participates in the process together with the psychologist. This happens, for example, in customer-oriented psychotherapy K. Rogers.

The suggestion is the procedure of psychological impact on the client, which does not imply from his part of the awareness of everything that happens. The client can vaguely understand that it is a psychological impact on him, but it is not fully aware that it actually happens. Apply, for example, when the client wants to change, and the unknowingly resisted it.

When suggestion, a person may be in consciousness, half-conscious and unconscious. With an indispensable suggestion, such as technique of hypnosis or distract the client's attention.

The imitation technique is that the psychologist does not explain anything and does not inspire the client, but simply demonstrates him the necessary samples of behavior, offering them to repeat. This often occurs when using group methods of psychocorrection, when participants solve problems of behavioral and interpersonal, character. The leading group in this case shows how to behave in certain situations.

Finally, reinforcement is a procedure generated in behavior-oriented psychotherapy, which is based on theories of social learning . In this case, to achieve the necessary psychocorrection result, a variety of incentives, promotion and punishment are applied, with the help of which unnecessary behavioral reactions are supported and destroyed.

Practice psychocorrection can be applied in two forms: individual or group. In the first case, the psychologist works with a client one on one in the absence of unauthorized persons. In the second case, it works immediately with a group of clients, which in a psychocorrection process interact not only with him, but also with each other.

Individual psychocorrection.

Application of individual psychocorrection. Individual psychocorrection is used when the client's problems of an individual, not an interpersonal nature, when the client categorically refuses to work in a group, or for any reason its work in the group is impossible; When sufficiently strong methods of psychological impact and the client must be kept constantly under supervision and control.

Individual psychocorrection is necessary when a psychologist finds an increased psychologist anxiety , strong inhibition , insecurity, unreasonable fears, problems caused by insufficient knowledge of oneself, loss of the meaning and purpose of life.

Sometimes it happens that by the nature of the problem, the client requires group psychocorrection, but it categorically refuses to work in the group. Then as the first step on the way it rehabilitation It is possible to use individual work and gradually, as it is ready, to summarize the client to the awareness of the need to include in group work.

Contraindications to group psychocorrection work can be a strongly pronounced excitability and emotional impassionalness of the client, its difficult character, illness, insufficient level of intellectual or moral development and others. With highly operating group psychocorrection procedures, such people may occur emotional stress or disruption. By virtue of the second of these reasons, the client can consciously or unconsciously interfere with the rest of the group participants. For the next reason, he can dramatically deteriorate the state of health. Finally, he may or not understand what is required of him, or to behave in the group is not culturally culturally, shocking the rest by his behavior, withdrawing them from equilibrium.

Sometimes the client wants - and this is really necessary for him - to work in the group, but in fact internally resists it. Then the psychologist should try to remove the internal resistance of the client, convince him of the need to join group work and help him do almost.

There are such clients who in ordinary psychocorrection situations behave quite normally, but lose control of themselves when they feel a strong psychological impact. In this case, a highly valid psychological procedure must first try on the client individually, and then include it in the group.

In order to properly use psychocorrection in practice, you need to know the following. Individual psychocorrection really helps only those who have real psychological or behavioral problems. The presence of such problems can only be established by a professional psychologist or aware of the client himself. Sometimes it seems to be a person that he has problems, although in fact there are not. Sometimes, on the contrary, it seems that there are no problems, although in fact it exists.

To provide professional psychological assistance, it is necessary to know the causes of psychological deficiencies, as well as what is happening in the psyche and human behavior, especially in the process of correction. This process must be monitored and able to predict its results. This requires a variety of deep psychological knowledge, which, as a rule, can be obtained only in special higher educational institutions at the faculties of psychology. If an incompetent person is taken for the provision of individual psychocorrection assistance, he is able to apply very significant harm to the client.

Psychocorrection can give little to those people whose psychological or behavioral deviations are caused by serious organic diseases. It can, of course, have a temporary positive impact that facilitates the general physical and psychological state, but due to the fact that the psychocorrection itself is not able to eliminate the organic defect, psychological and behavioral recurrences are possible after it, i.e. Restoration of appropriate deviations. In this case, it is recommended in parallel with psychocorrection to engage in serious treatment of the appropriate organic disease under the supervision of the doctor.

Another circumstance that should be borne by applying individual psychocorrection, the following. The resulting effect of psychocorrection exposure must be fixed almost. If the client, together with a psychologist, coped with his problem, then this does not mean that he can independently get rid of it without permanently helping the psychologist. Under the supervision of a psychologist, he needs to be quite a long period of time even after the positive results of the psychocorrection exposure appeared: they must be consolidated to prevent possible recurrences.

Types of individual psychocorrection. Consider the psychological features of various types of individual psychocorrection: beliefs, suggestion, psychoanalysis and logotherapy.

The belief is mainly applicable to people with a high level of intellectual development and capable - if they manage to convince - to cope with their psychological problems. It is usually people with a fairly developed effort of will, but before the beginning of the psychocorrection exposure, they are not convinced that they really have problems over which it is worth working, or simply do not believe that with the help of a psychologist they will be able to solve these problems .

Disadvantages of a person are the qualities of a mental and physical organization that are considered undesirable may reflect personal, behavioral and physical manifestations of a person, include its actions and taste. Those. They relate to absolutely any sphere of human manifestation, but not satisfying or directly human, or someone who evaluates the person. The advantages and disadvantages of a person have a subjective radical, as the main to determine. The impossibility of the unequivocal and static separation of qualities for good and bad makes confusion to the distinction and classification of human manifestations as disadvantages or advantages. Also, with different situations that make a different semantic context, the same actions have different interpretation, as a manifestation of a shortage or dignity (for example, a rapid response, without taking into account the slightest parts, in family life - a disadvantage, whereas in the situation of military hazard, this quality plays the priority The role and is considered advantage).

The mention of the lack implies the context of a small number or absence of anything, although in relation to the nature of the same way is also fair (lack of patience or honesty).

What is shortcomings?

Under the disadvantages of the individual, the defects and weaknesses taking the form of detrimental habits or the fragmentation of character are implied, here it is worth considering the manifestation of negative and qualities from the category and. The advantages and disadvantages of humans are polar manifestations, one helps move forward, to achieve success, it is respectful, the second destroys the fate of a person, rebuilds his personality, what makes it weak, prevents success, pushes on unworthy or even illegal actions and is the main cause of a disrespectful relationship and avoiding communication from society.

Disadvantages are usually presented as a characteristic feature, which is a characteristic of a person quite constant and for a long time. Everything that happens is situationally and does not systematically be called unworthy behavior, and emphasize special attention on such unit manifestations is not so strong as with a constant variant.

It is the opinion that in the beloved person, even flaws like, but, unfortunately, love is not so powerful to resist serious personal changes affecting the lives of others. It's one thing when this feeling allows you to take some non-accuracy, but to accept uncontrolled outbreaks against the background of alcohol dependence, with subsequent beatings, it is unlikely to help. Accordingly, it would be necessary to wait that the world will continue to spin around and take everything as it is, no sense, neither hope, shortcomings to correct, replacing them with decent behavior and manifestation, studying new life strategies, otherwise indulgence of its weaknesses will lead to complete personal degradation and Destruction of life.

From a similar adoption concept, some of the preachers of humility are trying to themselves and advise others not to get rid of flaws, but take them. And the idea itself is very wonderful, it is about the adoption and value of your self, but it is impossible to show love for yourself, leaving an active destructive behavior. Any kind of dependence is latent, any resentment occupies a place and spiritual energy where love could be, the time spent on a quarrel is not to return to engage in creating. For any manifestation, time and energy resources are needed, and therefore spending them on unworthy things, you deprive themselves some effective part of the ability to implement. Honest recognition of a shortage and search for a profitable and useful trend on which it can be replaced - a more correct way. It is to replace, and not just eradicated, since an empty place will require filling and better to choose what you want to achieve or what to develop in yourself, until another disadvantage.

What are the shortcomings of a person?

Like all human nature has the physical and mental direction of manifestation, the disadvantages are also divided relative to these areas. The mental disadvantages include any confirmed by the medical and psychological commission of deviations from the norm of the psyche (including intellectual-moon and speech disorders, deviations in the emotional and mental sphere, developmental delay). Physical disadvantages include any deviations from normal physical development criteria, limiting physical, mental and social activities and have a confirmation of a specially created medical commission.

These two types of disadvantage have the regulatory criteria and are objectively recognized, but when it comes to the disadvantages of a person, most people will not remember the mental and physical, relating, rather to the sphere of clinical diseases, while determining how deficiencies are some personal manifestations. It is the characteristic features and model of interaction that are considered to be the disadvantages with which it is necessary to fight and which a person can be overcome to some extent independently.

The criticism of their own behavior is most often attributed to the creepiness and inability to refuse. What prevents from living with your life, and in some cases contributes to a special substrate under the blow of its needs, while quite comfortable others. The reasons are in and wishing everyone to like, and the deliverance entails a certain restructuring of life. You will have to understand that you are not all your friends are pleasant, many simply use your reliability; You will have to take your own aggression and strength, and to learn how to contact them, and not push into the darkest angle as before. The inability to defend their interests and refuse to people talk about problems with intrapersonal borders and the ability to defend them - see if you are not in need and how much your own life you have left.

The next feature that does not add advantages in your interaction with society is arrogance, and it is noticed that it is extremely rare to strangers in real life, but relative to the close circle of people or on the Internet, there are increasingly statements with an appropriate view and in a degrading form for Others. Pushes on this illusory sense of security (from the beloved, to get a non-reliable answer is heavier than from the outsider) and the problem with. The world is full of people, the best and worst than you, but neither the first nor the second manifestation are your care, all free to do as they please. To call for humility can be infinite, but think about it is so important to stay on the imaginary vertex, criticize and strive to establish your rules, really nothing more to do in your own life, except how to increase your importance in such ways?

Somewhere nearby can jump out the need to control, and well, if it is the surrounding space, and you saw households for the wrong sequence of jackets in the kitchen, and if it starts to touch the life, actions and elections of others, then be prepared for the fact that others Soon crowd and run away. Again the conversation about the violation of the borders and the invasion of someone else's life. Take responsibility only for myself and give advice only when they ask for something about such a situation to seek.

Many are attributed to the disadvantages of the unreasonable, bordering C and not giving live quietly to any of the partners. This is not considered a manifestation of passionality or fear of losing, at the level of sensations, this is perceived as distrust or even insulting that such thoughts are allowed. Soon the excess jealousy pulls another disadvantage that can exist separately. Without taking into account the lies, which is also a dubious event, the reputation was lied to anyone did not benefit anyone, but destroyed quite a lot of relationships.

There are many negative features, only those complaints about which are more common, but in any case, when defining deficiencies should be guided by its own system of values \u200b\u200band sensations (in the waters of killers - to kill this craft, honored and respected, but it is unlikely that it will become big Dignity for teacher in the children's group).

Disadvantages of a loved one

Starting with someone's relationship, usually we fall into that a person is ideal, but over time and efforts on the presentation of only its positive qualities decrease and the real picture and a curtain of the raging hormones fall and it turns out that there is not such a prince nearby. To those who are lucky, in his beloved person, even flaws and they can find coincidences at these points, but then it is impossible to consider the quality data directly shortcomings in the partner's globalism system, it is rather a pro imposed social image. But when you are starting to clarify some manifestations of a partner, and you are trying to eradicate them, it means that you are faced with what is a disadvantage in your life model.

It is worth noting that the ratios of behavioral and emotional manifestations begins on both sides, consciously or not, since differences in characters without relevant changes will lead to the impossibility of peaceful existence on one territory. What to consider the disadvantages each decides (or rather feels) on its own, but the basis of the usual relationship and family scenarios in parental families. But there are qualities and bells that require to analyze the possible consequences.

This includes constant late, without taking into account the value of your opinion, time and plans. Rudeness, manifested to others, relatives, personally to you. Perhaps this is a verbal form of violence, a cry or the use of force - the inability of a person to restrain its own impulsivity and aggression is a critical drawback for building relationships. Excessive jealousy can please self-esteem at the beginning, turning into the manifestation of the property and restrictions on your freedom.

Any disadvantage before revealing completely and put an irreversible damage of your life or psyche, manifests itself in minor moments, does not happen to not indicate the possibility of manifestation or deterioration of the situation. So, in order not to participate in rehabilitation events, think about at the beginning and be careful to the details.

More recently, the profession of a psychologist in our country did not even know. Science Psychology was presented with us mainly by psychiatrists, in the office to which ordinary citizens did not want to fall. Today, thanks to the American TV shows, psychologists have become not just popular, and in demand by experts, to whose services are treated in a wide variety of life situations.

More recently about professions of psychologist In our country, they did not even know. Science Psychology was presented with us mainly by psychiatrists, in the office to which ordinary citizens did not want to fall. Today, thanks to the American TV shows, psychologists have become not just popular, and in demand by experts, to whose services are treated in a wide variety of life situations.

Of the same American TV shows, the work of psychologists seems to us easy and unscrewing: a cozy office, a beautiful secretary, a comfortable couch and a patient with whom a specialist is led by a unhurried sophisticated conversation. But does the reality coincide with what we see on television screens? Is it really easy to work hard to psychologists? All of this, as well as about other features of this profession, we will try to tell the most detailed as possible under this article.

Who is a psychologist?

- A qualified specialist who is engaged in the study of the psyche and emotional state of a person and provides psychological assistance in the emergence of psychological or everyday problems in the life of each of us.

The name of the profession occurred from the ancient Greek Psycho (soul) and Logos (Knowledge). In other words, psychologists study the soul of a person, all her verses, states and opportunities, and on the basis of the knowledge gained help us achieve peace of mind. The history of the profession roots goes into deep antiquity, and the first "healers of the soul" can be safely considered the shamans, kneaders and sorcerers, who were treated not so much by the "imposition of hands", how much the strength of the word and suggestion.

The official date of the occurrence of psychology, as an independent science, is considered to be 1879, when the first psychological laboratory was opened in Leipzig. From this point on, the psychology began to actively develop as a result of which the most different directions appeared: psychoanalysis, behaviorism, family psychology, pathopsychology, age psychology, etc.

To date, psychology covers almost all areas of human life, and representatives of this profession help solve almost any problems associated with the psycho-emotional state of a person. Professional responsibilities of a psychologist Directly depend on the scope of the specialist. Thus, a psychologist-theorient deals with research and conducts teaching activities, and a psychologist-practitioner has direct assistance in the public and personal life of a person. For example:

  • clinical psychologist - in hospitals, rehabilitation centers or sanatoriums, adjusts the changed psycho-emotional state of patients;
  • organizational psychologist - in companies and enterprises advises guidance on improving management efficiency and marketing;
  • legal psychologist - specializes in criminal psychology and helps law enforcement authorities in special laboratories of forensic psychological examination;
  • children's psychologist - works mainly in children's organizations (kindergartens, schools, gymnasiums, sports schools, etc.) and helps children adapt in society.

In general, professional duties look approximately as follows: identifying individual characteristics of a person, assistance in determining the original source of problems, the search for methods to solve the problem, training in the methods of emotional self-regulation.

What personal qualities should a psychologist possess?

It is not difficult to guess that since the main part work psychologist It is to communicate with patients, the specialist must be sociable, polite and friendly. In addition, to carefully disassemble the problem of man and advise effective options for its decision to a psychologist, such personal qualities will help:

It is mistaken to think that to fulfill its work, a psychologist is enough to have only knowledge in the field of psychology. A good specialist is competent in such areas of knowledge as pedagogy, philosophy, sociology, natural science, philology, political science, right, history, etc.

Advantages of the profession of psychologist

Basic advantage of psychologist profession, no doubt, is moral satisfaction from the realization of importance and utility for society. After all, a psychologist is a profession that provides real assistance to people, and the result can often be seen here "here and now."

We note that it is not only pleasant to feel someone "Savior", but it is beneficial, because people are ready to pay well for helping their problems. To date, the average monthly income of psychologists in Russia is about 50-60 thousand rubles (and this we do not take into account the income of psychologists providing services in a private way).

It is not difficult to guess that psychologists have the opportunity to work not only by a regular employee of a particular organization (and a specialist in psychology today is in demand in virtually the organizations of all areas of activity), but also to carry out private practice. And for this they do not need large capital investments, since there is no need to buy expensive equipment or renting rooms with a large area.

Well, most importantly, a psychologist is not so much a profession, how much lifestyle, so a specialist applies his professional knowledge and skills, both in professional activities and in personal life. And this means that life without problems is guaranteed a good specialist (in any case, in a psycho-emotional plan).

Disadvantages of the profession of psychologist

However, it should not be thought that the work of the psychologist consists of solid advantages. There are W. professions of the psychologist and disadvantages. In particular, the main complexity for a specialist is the need to solve the client's problems removed. That is, a psychologist cannot be moved to the line when the client's problems turn into their own problems of the specialist. Otherwise, in the shortest time, psychologist threatens mental fatigue and emotional burnout.

The disadvantage of this profession can also be considered the fact that a beginner psychologist will first have to gain practical experience at work in budget organizations, for a sufficiently modest salary. Therefore, to count on the fact that immediately after the end of the university, a young specialist will be able to achieve financial and career growth, not worth it.

It is very difficult sometimes consisted of a psychologist a relationship with a close environment. And all because professional activities imposes an imprint of the "Inexian" on specialists, and they have a desire to all and all give advice on and without it. Naturally, not everyone likes such active interference in their personal space, against the background of what conflict situations arise.

Where can I get a profession of a psychologist?

Since in our country still sometimes mistakenly believe that psychologist, psychiatrist and psychotherapist are different names of the same profession, young people who dream get a profession of psychologist, do not know which university they need to do.

It is important to understand that the psychiatrist and psychotherapist are medical professions, whose representatives are treated with pathological changes or impairment of human psyche. A psychologist is engaged only by the mental state and the inner world of man, so he does not treat, but it acts rather as a person who helps to see the problem from the part and advises the most optimal ways to solve it.

In other words, to become a psychologist, it is not necessary to act in medical universities, but on the psychological faculties of specialized educational institutions. And, of course, preference should be given best psychological universities in Russiawhose graduates have more chances for successful employment. To such universities today can be attributed:

  • Moscow State University. V.M. Lomonosov;
  • Institute of Psychology. L.S. Vygotsky Russian State Humanitarian University;
  • State Academic University of Humanities;
  • Russian State Social University;
  • Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University.

Almost no one is constantly pleased. Everyone is silent, everyone has its own complexes.

Psychological complex - This is an erroneous representation of a person about his physical or psychological shortcomings, their exaggeration, accompanied by deep and, as a rule, hidden from foreign people with experiences.

A significant part of the human complexes they are actually not realized. Complexes are developing and saved at the subconscious level. Their awareness usually generates very unpleasant experiences, and as a result of this, the so-called censor blocks the penetration of information about them into self-consciousness.
The complex is a very persistent psychological phenomenon, to completely get rid of which is almost impossible even when its existence is aware of the person and has a rather strong desire to get rid of them.
There are several psychophysiological explanations of the stability and survivability of complexes. First, the complexes are formed in a person usually in early childhood, in that period of life, when his brain was still not mature enough to analyze and differentiate the information entering it. Secondly, in the structure of the personality, most complexes are interrelated between themselves and are combined with protective reactions, which, in general, play not only a negative, but also a positive role.
For example, the complex of inferiority in the person's personality is often combined with such protective mechanisms as rationalization and sublimation (creativity).
The presence of complexes in humans can be judged by the following signs:
- frequent and strong experiences due to their own behavior and their own inadequate reactions to the actions of other people;
- the inadequacy of reactions to various life situations and the behavior of other people;
- a sense of stiffness when solving problems that are evaluated by other people;
- Feeling of fear or anxiety while waiting for upcoming meetings and conversations with significant people.

Complexes may be the following types:
Inferiority complex - The unreasonable conviction of a person is that he is inferior in something, much worse than other people and is inferior to them, and therefore deserves an unfair and disrespectful attitude towards himself.
The complex of inferiority occurs about:
- external, physical disadvantages of a person, including his figure, face, hands, disadvantages of other parts of the body;
- internal, psychological flaws, including mind, speech, memory, attention, knowledge, ability, skills, skills, character traits.
Superiority complex - Not quite reasonable installation of a person that he surpasses surrounding people (belonging to the highest race, "better" family, a social group or possession of special qualities, culture, abilities, knowledge) and that it gives him the right to use among them special privileges.
Complex hostility manifests itself in the increased aggressiveness of a person who can have the power and be sure that the possession of it gives him the right to rule over other people, or in conviction that all people are enemies to each other, insidious and evil, and, therefore, Aggressiveness is the forced response of one person to the coast of the other.
Vile complex It is expressed in the fact that a person with a strongly developed conscience and a sense of responsibility is constantly experiencing for himself for his actions and similar actions of other people, and without due to that reason. He often seems to be personally to blame for what happens to him and around him, as well as with other people, although in fact it is not.
Protection complex It manifests itself in the confidence of man in the fact that all people around him are configured against him and wish him evil. In this regard, the person is constantly ready to defend themselves from people, although there is really no need for this.

The main psychological problems that prevent human harmonious development are external and internal. External problems may result from relationships with the outside world. Internal are the consequences of the psychological disadvantage of the person himself.

Both those and others bring substantial discomfort, a sense of dissatisfaction with life, tensions, depression and often require help of a psychologist and psychotherapist. In working with a qualified specialist, the relationship of psychological difficulties with external is often detected. Thus, customers of psychotherapists who are worried about relations with other people, almost always should change their line of behavior and attitude to the situation.

What is a psychological problem

Most of the causes of discomfort, failure, any kind of dependencies, dissatisfaction and stress are in the psyche (in the heart), and external events in life only aggravate internal reasons. Any psychological problems cause a person obvious or latent suffering. A person for this reason with great difficulty can change himself and his position. However, even something changed, it is not always possible to achieve satisfaction and mental harmony.

In this case, one can openly say that the problem is predominantly psychological, spiritual, and not an external, public. In this case, the psychotherapist can help a person become a confident and harmonious personality. It is enough to make certain efforts, time and professional knowledge of the specialist, and this problem is quite possible.

The emergence of psychological difficulties

Usually psychological complexes arise Then, when the person has unconscious psychological fixation on a facility or subject, as if related (according to the personality itself) with the achievement of the desired result. And any of just two types of desires:

  • to get something (possession, development, implementation, desire and other), in other words "desire for ...";
  • from something to get rid (escape, destruction, liberation, etc.), in other words "the desire from ...".

If this fails to achieve, the problem occurs. This question is the main problem of practical psychology.

Low self-esteem

The main problem of the psychological plan, according to the majority of psychologists, is a low self-esteem of a huge number of people.

Low self-esteem can affect various aspects of human life. Low self-esteem people can usually talk a lot of negative things about themselves. They can criticize themselves, their actions and abilities or joke about themselves with sarcasm. People with understated self-esteem usually doubt or blame themselves when they meet any obstacles in their path. They may also not recognize their positive qualities. When a person with a low self-esteem make compliments, he may just think that he is flattered or exaggerating his positive qualities.

Such people do not appreciate their abilities and focus on what they did not, or on the mistakes they committed. People with low self-esteem can expect that they will not work. They often feel depressed and disturbing. Low self-esteem can affect performance at work or at school. People with low confidence reach a smaller compared to people with adequate self-esteem, because they believe that they are less worthy and capable than others.

Such a category of people seeks to avoid problems, fearing that they will not cope. People who do not appreciate themselves can work very much and force themselves to process because they believe that they need to hide the imaginary disadvantages. They hardly believe in any positive results obtained by them. Impaired self-esteem makes a man with shy and very shy, not believe in their forces.

Inferiority complex

The complex of inferiority is the extreme pathological degree of uncertainty in itself and is a huge psychological problem of man. In fact, it is the lack of sense of self-satisfaction, doubt and very low self-esteem, as well as a sense of inability to comply with standards.

It is often subconscious and, as it is believed that people suffering from this complex are trying to compensate for this feeling that is expressed in high achievements or extremely asocial behavior. In modern literature, it is preferable to call this psychological phenomenon as "lack of hidden self-esteem". The complex develops due to the combination of the genetic characteristics of the personality and education, as well as life experience.

The incompleteness complex may increase when the feelings of inflammation are provoked by failures and stress. Persons at risk of development of the complex usually show signs of low self-esteem, have low socio-economic status, and also have the symptoms of depression.

Children pushed in such conditions where they are constantly criticized or not parents can also get a complex of inferiority. Many different warning signs for those who may be more prone to the development of an inferiority complex. For example, someone, prone to attention and approval, can be more susceptible.

Research Psychoanalyst Adlera

According to classical Adler psychology, the response of inferiority occurs when adults want to achieve any unreal goal or have a permanent need for improvement. The tension associated with the sense of inferiority causes a pessimistic attitude towards life and inability to overcome difficulties. According to Adler, each person has a sense of inferiority to one degree or another, but this is not a disease, but rather a stimulator of a healthy, normal aspiration and development. It becomes a pathological condition only when a feeling of inferiority suppresses personality, and does not stimulate it to useful activities. The complex makes the personality depressed and incapable of further personal development.

Psychological trauma

A very common psychological problem is the consequences of experienced stressful situations.

By nature, these are a variety of impaired psyche after affective (very powerful and destructive) experiences. The incidents that caused such strongest experiences may be very diverse: isolation, disease, death of a native person, childbirth, divorce, stress, conflicts, war and fighting, danger to existence, rape and other. These events are powerful affecting a mental state, disturbing perception, thinking, emotions, behavior, making personality not quite adequate.

Another industry, which explores both practical and scientific (theoretical) psychology is a different kind of conflict.

Open and non-obvious conflicts with other people are harmful to human mental activities and are a serious problem of a socio-psychological nature. These conflicts can be classified:

Children's difficulties

Psychological problems in children arise in different periods of their lives. They have different nature. These may be the following difficulties:

  • children's aggression and impulsiveness;
  • closed;
  • capriciousness and plasticity;
  • timidity and shyness;
  • low self-esteem;
  • high level of anxiety;
  • increased syradiability;
  • stubbornness;
  • fears and all kinds of phobias;
  • inattention;
  • difficulties with memorizing information;
  • various problems of psychological development;
  • bad performance in school;
  • difficulties with adaptation in school institution or kindergarten;
  • problems of communicating with peers and adults;

In the event of any kind of psychological difficulties, it is necessary to apply for a consultation to the children's psychologist, since the psyche of the child is a very fragile structure.

Pyramid needs Maslow

From the position of the pyramid of the needs of the great American psychologist Abraham Masu (a pyramid that shows the main human needs), it is obvious that the issue of safety and food is not currently relevant for people. Of course, there are exceptions, but the overwhelming majority of people may feed themselves. Products have become available, their variety is large, also at a decent level maintained security in society. On the theory of Oil, if it is possible to satisfy basal needs, then a desire arises to satisfy the highest needs, such as community or feel part of any public group, self-realization, or the desire to realize themselves as a specialist as a person. It is at the stage of meeting the highest needs and arise the main socio-psychological problems of modern society.

The problem of choice in the modern world consumption

Summarizing can be said that personality, satisfying his trying to direct their strength to satisfy the highest psychological and social desires. At this point we are faced with modern problems. At the moment there is a huge selection of various goods and services. The selection criterion can be the color, appearance of packaging, reviews, price, and not just quality. All products a priori perform their functions, but their differences are made on minor characteristics.

In the future, these minor properties are imposed by a person as a selection criteria, and people have doubts when the purchase has already been committed. Most people have no opportunity to purchase all types of one product, and often they remain dissatisfied in view of the doubts of their choice.

Accelerated rhythm of life

People began to overcome long distances for a short time, it means that they are more often engaged in any kind of activity. Scientific development made it possible to save time on some things, but at the same time it also made it possible to spend saved time on others. The modern world is increasingly growing dependence on computer games and from social networks. And so people only increase the load on the psyche instead of resting, the brain is increasingly overloaded. This is confirmed by many psychological research. Psychological problems caused by the rapid pace of society - the real Beach of our time, psychologists consider.

Do not ignore the painful signals of our psyche and engage in the prevention of psychological disorders. If there is no exit from the problem situation, it will simply be optimally switching to something distracting and more useful. Sometimes a great solution to psychological problems will be a psychologist.