Money топик по английскому с переводом. History of Money


A number of people believe that pocket money teaches teenagers to be responsible. Others say that teenagers are too young to deal with money and that their parents should just buy them what they need.
Many parents wonder whether to give pocket money to their children and how much to give. Most Moms and Dads think that pocket money helps the child learn to handle money sensibly. However, pocket money may become a battleground if not handled correctly from the very start.
Personally, I think that by giving pocket money parents help children learn to manage money while they are young. It also helps them make choices and feel that they are important members of the family. Even a small amount can give a child the feeling of responsibility and independence. Parents can suggest the child keeping a little book in their money box to record ins and outs. This will help with their mathematics and will encourage them to save money.
But in some families children are given what they ask for and do not get pocket money. Some parents think that pocket money can cause a number of problems. For example, if children have a lot less than their friends they may feel depressed and may be tempted to steal. On the other hand, when they have much more it can cause envy and resentment amongst their friends. Besides, I believe that parents should never give pocket money to their children as compensation for not spending enough time with them and as a reward for helping around the house.
To conclude, I think it is up to parents to decide whether to give children pocket money or not. Anyway, parents should explain their sons and daughters that lots of money cannot buy love and happiness.

Some people think they can be happy only being rich, while others don"t care too much about money.
It is rather difficult to imagine our lives without money. People consider money to be part and parcel of their everyday lives. They buy and sell different things, receive a fee, a pension or a subsidy, exchange currency and what not. People"s attitude to money can be quite different: for some of them money is the most important thing in the world, while other people don"t care much about money.
In my opinion, the life of rich people is not only luxurious. It is also dangerous. There are quite a lot of people who want to deceive the rich. Millionaires have to spend much money on security, but sometimes even such measures don"t help. Rich people are often robbed, kidnapped and killed. Besides, they have to work much and that is why they spend very little time with their families and they often feel stressed.
But in spite of all dangers and difficulties, many people are sure that money and happiness are synonyms. They believe that money can make them powerful and independent. They dream of expensive cars and luxurious mansions. Some people think that we live in the world where almost everything can be bought and sold. They even make friends and marry for money. To my mind, money becomes a kind of addiction for such people.
To sum up, money is very useful as a medium of exchange, a unit of account and a store of value. But it becomes "the root of all evil" when it makes people take bribes, betray their partners or commit crimes. I think that "money is a good servant but a bad master."

A lot of people say that it is very important for everybody to own property. However, others are not so sure that property can make our lives better.
Everyone has some possessions. People own cars, buildings, land, money, bonds, stocks and so on. We are used to consuming, selling, renting, mortgaging, transferring or exchanging our property. But sometimes people attach too much importance to their possessions.
Personally, I believe that property is not the most important thing in our lives. It may arouse other people"s envy and it is difficult to say whether people surrounding you are your real friends or they just like your possessions and want to make use of them. I strongly feel that having friends, parents, relatives, spouses and children who love and understand you is better than possessing money, houses or securities.
However, there are people whose desire to own things predominates over all other feelings. They often become "slaves of property". They usually try to make a commercial use of everything and the main aim of their lives is accumulation of their capital. They sometimes buy beautiful pictures and sculptures not because they admire works of art or drive inspiration from them, but because it is a way of investing money. But to my mind, a person who values only property is miserable because inanimate objects like cars, pictures or precious stones can"t make you happy.
To conclude, I think that possessing property is not a sin, but one should remember the proverb: "Money can"t buy happiness".

Some people say that making money with the Internet is reality, while others think it is a myth.
The Internet is not only a source of information and entertainment for many people. It can also help them make money from home. At the same time the Internet business may be hard to break into.
To my mind, the Internet gives people a great number of opportunities to make money. Some of them earn money building websites for different companies, organizations or businessmen. Many people use websites to sell different goods or services. Thanks to the Internet, e-learning industry which is estimated to be worth billions of dollars has developed. People also earn money by sending spam, creating computer viruses, putting advertisements on a web page and so on.
However, those who believe that the Internet can help them make millions in a few days may be disappointed. Even hard work does not always result in success. People usually have to invest some money to develop their online business. What is more, there is usually great competition on the Internet when thousands of other people are trying to sell similar goods or services. So if you want to succeed, you should be original in order to stand out from the crowd.
To sum up, the Internet may motivate people to earn money. I strongly feel that if you are not afraid of difficulties, if you are hard-working, energetic and persistent, the Internet business will help you become richer.

Some people say that high social status is very important for everybody. Others are convinced that it is better to have a high income.
In modern societies, a person"s social status depends on many factors including their income, education, occupation, inherited wealth and position, ownerships, personal skills, abilities and efforts. Some people achieve high social status through education, occupation, and marital status. But statuses can also be inherited through family.
To my mind, it is difficult to say which is more important: high social status or a high income. Sometimes an individual"s social positions have both positive and negative influence on their social status. For example, a teacher has a positive societal image which increases his status but may earn little money, which simultaneously decreases it. In contrast, a drug dealer, may have low social position though have a high income. There are a lot of professions that are not prestigious, but well-paid and vice versa. Personally, I would prefer having high social status to being rich.
Some people say that they would rather have low social status but earn much money. They are convinced that money can make them powerful and independent. Such people also say that we live in the world where almost everything can be bought and sold, even high social status. But I think that a person must be respected only for his or her individual merits and achievements.
To sum up, both a person"s income and social status depend on him or her and may be changed in the course of his or her life. So if you want to be wealthy, respected and successful, you must work hard to achieve this goal.

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Ранее мы уже рассматривали , сегодня же мы обратимся к интересным фактам из истории.
Официальная английская валюта – фунт стерлингов, известный также как британский фунт или просто фунт, а по-английски – Pound sterling , pound . Это одна из самых устойчивых современных валют, а также старейшая в мире. У этих денег долгая и интересная история.

Английские деньги: история и интересные факты

Первые серебряные стерлинги появились в Англии в 1066 году.
— По одной из версий, монеты назывались так из-за знаков в виде звезды: староанглийское слово sterling происходит от французского esterlin «звезда».
— Другая версия гласит, что sterling означало «чистое серебро».
— А согласно теории Уолтера Пинчебека, sterling произошло от словосочетания Easterling Silver – «серебро с восточных земель», что означало сплав 925 пробы из немецкой области, которую англичане звали Easterling .

В 1158 году стерлинг стал официальной английской валютой по распоряжению короля Генриха II. Еще через столетие монеты изменили свое название и стали называться фунтом, как мера веса, которая уже была в ходу. То есть буквально «фунт стерлингов» означает «фунт денег»: вес фунта стерлингов должен был составлять ровно фунт или 453 грамма.

В те времена система денег в Англии отличалась от современной. Один фунт был равен 12 шиллингам, а один шиллинг – 20 пенсам. Пенсы, в свою очередь, равнялись двум форинтам. Это была сложная система, по которой непросто было делать расчеты. Позже ее упростили, а сегодня фунт стерлингов равен 100 пенсам – легко и удобно при расчетах.

В 1489 году были выпущены первые монеты в фунт стерлингов. Тогда в ходу было еще одно название – соверен: на монетах изображали короля. Первые банкноты стали выпускаться в 1694 году банком Англии. А в XVIII веке британский фунт стал одной из важнейших валют в мировой экономике. И только после Второй мировой войны значимость этой валюты снизилась из-за усиления США.

Сейчас в Великобритании валюту чаще всего называют просто pound , то если нужно подчеркнуть отличие валюты от других валют с тем же названием, то используется форма – pound sterling . При этом на биржах в ходу название sterling или cable .

Оставайтесь с , подписывайтесь на наш блог, и мы обязательно познакомим вас со множеством интересных фактов из мира английского языка. До новых встреч!

There are two points of view on money matters. Some people suppose that money makes people satisfied but others find money the evil.

On the one hand, money is really of a help to people. To start with, there are a lot of things that we can buy for money, for example different conveniences. They help us to make our life more comfortable. Secondly, what is really important is that only money can give us the feeling of independence. We create our future and if we want to live without problems we should have money. Finally, one of the best things that money can give us is power. When you have money you are in control.

On the other hand, money is only a symbol of wealth. To begin with, money is only paper, but it has been given too much importance and it has become people’s new God. In addition, money can spoil people. For instance, it’s not rare when rich people start using their money for evil purposes overusing their power and thinking that everything can be bought and everybody can be controlled. What is more, possessing big sums of money can cause lots of problems. For example, people around get envious, start doing something to get the piece of what you have and your life becomes more dangerous.

To sum up, money is really important for modern world nowadays and plays a great role, but thinking of it and earning it people should save their human face not giving money too much power.

Перевод некоторых слов :

to make satisfied - удовлетворить; on the one hand - с одной стороны; to start with - начнем с того; conveniences - удобства; comfortable - удобный; secondly - во вторых; Independence - независимость; power - сила; on the other hand - с другой стороны; to begin with - начнем с того; symbol - символ; importance - важность; in addition - в добавок; to spoil - портить; for instance - например; evil purposes - недобрые намерения; what is more - более того; to cause - вызывать, причинять; piece - кусок; human face - человеческое лицо.

Данный текст поможет вам написать дискуссионное эссе "за и против" по английскому языку на тему "Деньги", "Деньги - источник удовлетворения или проблем".

Другие темы дискуссионных эссе "за" и "против" (for and against essay):

  • Деньги / Money

– это увлекательный рассказ о том как появились деньги. Топик по английскому История денег (History of Money) очень актуален, так как мы ежедневно имеем дело с деньгами: расплачиваемся за покупки в магазине, оплачиваем обучение в университете, получаем заработную плату на работе.

Благодаря топику по английскому История денег (History of Money) вы узнаете, что деньги не всегда имели привычную нам форму монет и бумажных банкнот, а также много других интересных фактов. поможет расширить ваш кругозор и словарный запас.


History of Money

The use of money is almost as old as the human civilization. Money is a way of exchanging things. Nowadays money is different coins and notes, but it hasn`t always been like that, there were other various forms of money.

The early commerce was based on barter. Barter is the direct exchange of one product to another one, that has the same value. Later, plant products and cattle were used as money. The earliest evidence of banking was found in Mesopotamia. Between 3000 and 2000 B.C. temples were used to store valuable things for trade, especially grain.

Different peoples used various items as money. For example, Norwegians used butter, cacao beans were used by Aztecs and the early American colonists used animal hides and tobacco leaves. People, who lived in Paraguay, used snails. Roman soldiers got salt as a part of their salary; it was called «salarium». Rats served as money for people, who lived on the island of Nauru. Slaves were also used as currency around the world. The exchange value of a slave was about 8000 pounds of sugar in the 16th century.

With time people started exchanging items that had no intrinsic value, like cowrie shells. They agreed upon a symbolic value of these items. In China knives and spades served as money. This use of metal tools developed into using coins. They were primitive and were firstly used at the end of the Stone Age. Chinese coins often had holes in them, so they could be put together. They were made of copper. Paper money was also invented in China during the Tang Dynasty.

In other countries coins were made of silver. Just like today they were round, but there were portraits of emperors or pictures of gods stamped on them. These coins appeared in Lydia in the 7th century B.C.. The Europeans didn’t have paper, that is why paper money was adopted in Europe much later than in Asia and the Arab world.

In 1661 the Bank of Sweden issued the first paper money in Europe. It was a temporary measure. The Bank of England was founded in 1694. It began to issue promissory notes, which were handwritten at first, but later they were printed. Travelling with gold was dangerous, so jewelers and goldsmiths came up with an idea. They started writing out notes on pieces of paper. These notes said that the person who had the note could trade it for gold. It was the beginning of using paper money in Europe. Nowadays if you look at a British bank note, you can still find the following phrase on it: «I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of five/ten/twenty/fifty pounds.»


История денег

Использование денег почти так же старо, как и человеческая цивилизация. Деньги - это метод обмена предметов. В наши дни деньги - это монеты и банкноты, но так было не всегда, были и другие формы денег.

Торговля в ранние времена была основана на бартере. Бартер - это прямой обмен одного товара на другой, имеющий равнозначную ценность. Впоследствии продукты растительного происхождения и скот использовались в качестве денег. Самые ранние свидетельства о банковской деятельности найдены в Месопотамии. В 3000 - 2000 годах до н.э. храмы использовались для хранения ценных товаров, которые использовались в торговле, в основном зерна.

Различные народы использовали различные предметы для торговли. Норвежцы использовали масло, ацтеки использовали какао бобы, а первые колонисты Америки использовали шкуры животных и табачные листья. Народы, жившие в Парагвае, использовали улиток. Римские солдаты получали часть зарплаты солью, это называлось «соляриум». Крысы служили в качестве денег жителям острова Науру. Рабы также использовались в качестве валюты во всем мире. В 16 веке раба можно было обменять примерно на 8000 фунтов сахара.

Постепенно люди начали обмениваться вещами, которые не имели собственной стоимости, такими как ракушки каури. Люди договаривались о символической стоимости таких предметов.

В Китае ножи и лопаты служили в качестве денег. Использование металлических инструментов развилось в использование монет. Они были примитивными и впервые были использованы в конце каменного века. Китайские монеты часто были с отверстиями, чтобы их можно было скрепить вместе. Бумажные деньги также были изобретены в Китае во времена династии Тан.

В других странах монеты делались из серебра. Как и сегодня, они имели круглую форму, но на них были напечатаны портреты императоров или изображения богов. Эти монеты появились в Лидии в седьмом веке до н. э. У европейцев не было бумаги, поэтому бумажные деньги появились в Европе значительно позже, чем в Азии и арабском мире.

В 1661 году Банк Швеции издал первые бумажные деньги в Европе. Это была временная мера. В 1694 году был основан Банк Англии. Он начал выпускать векселя, первоначально они были рукописными, а затем печатными. Путешествовать с золотом было опасно, поэтому ювелиры и золотых дел мастера подали идею. Они стали выдавать особые бумаги. В такой бумаге говорилось, что ее обладатель может обменять ее на золото. Это было началом использования бумажных денег в Европе. И в наши дни, если вы посмотрите на британскую банкноту, вы увидите надпись: "Я обещаю заплатить по требованию предъявителя сумму в 5/10/20/50 фунтов".

Money has been the most disputable matter throughout the human history. What is money for? And when did it appear?

Money is a universal means of payment and a means of exchange. It appeared thousands of years ago. First people used things like animal skin and precious metals as money. But it wasn’t easy to carry and store them. The money we use nowadays is made of paper and cheap metals. They are banknotes and coins of different value.

Everybody uses money in our modern world. We all need money, we think about it and work for it. It is difficult to imagine today’s life without banknotes and coins, credit cards and cash. Modern technologies have influenced the way of payment: and plastic cards are becoming more and more popular today and they can be accepted even abroad. It’s really convenient and safe for travelers because you don’t have to carry the money in your wallet or exchange the currency in order to make purchases in foreign countries.

We need money to live and buy desired things and services. We can’t travel around the world, buy a car, rent an office, use the Internet or just buy food and clothes without money. People who earn much money can afford luxury goods: expensive cars and fantastic mansions, precious stones and unique works of art. The more money you earn, the more products you can buy. We must admit that being a millionaire is always dangerous. Rich people spend a lot on security because they are often robbed, kidnapped and even killed.

To my mind, money and happiness are not synonyms. Money doesn’t always mean well-being and prosperity. Sometimes money ruins people’s lives and destroys families. People who value material things only, who care too much about money cannot be happy. Happiness depends both on material and spiritual things. And you can’t buy health, love or true friends with money.


На протяжении всей человеческой истории деньги являются наиболее спорным вопросом. Для чего существуют деньги? И когда они появились?

Деньги являются универсальным средством оплаты и средством обмена. Они появились тысячи лет назад. Первые люди использовали шкуру животных и драгоценные металлы в качестве денег. Но было нелегко их носить и хранить. Деньги, которыми мы пользуемся сегодня, изготовлены из бумаги и дешевых металлов. Это банкноты и монеты различной ценности.

В нашем современном мире все пользуются деньгами. Нам всем нужны деньги, мы думаем о них и работаем ради них. Сложно представить нынешнюю жизнь без банкнот и монет, кредитных карточек и наличности. Современные технологии оказали влияние на способ оплаты: пластиковые карты становятся сегодня все более и более популярными, и они принимаются даже заграницей. Это очень удобно и безопасно для путешественников, поскольку нет необходимости носить деньги в бумажнике или совершать обмен валюты для совершения покупок в других странах.

Деньги нам нужны для жизни и покупки желаемых вещей и услуг. Мы не сможем путешествовать по миру, приобретать машину, арендовать офис, пользоваться интернетом или просто покупать продукты и одежду без денег. Люди, зарабатывающие много денег, могут позволить себе предметы роскоши: дорогие автомобили и фантастические особняки, драгоценные камни и уникальные произведения искусства. Чем больше денег вы зарабатываете, тем больше товаров вы можете приобрести. Следует признать тот факт, что быть миллионером - это всегда опасно. Богатые люди тратят много на свою безопасность, потому что их часто грабят, похищают и даже убивают.

По моему мнению, деньги и счастье не являются синонимами. Деньги не всегда означают благополучие и процветание. Иногда деньги разрушают человеческие жизни и разваливают семьи. Люди, которые ценят лишь все материальное, которые слишком беспокоятся о деньгах, не могут стать счастливыми. Счастье зависит как от материального, так и от духовного. И вы не сможете купить здоровье, любовь и истинных друзей за деньги.

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