Раздел 2 задания. Разбираем ЕГЭ по английскому языку: раздел «Чтение

ОГЭ: Раздел 2 (задания по чтению)

Требуется определить является ли утверждение:

    верным ( TRUE)

    неверным (FALSE)

    информация в тексте не указана ( NOT STATED )

Стратегии выполнения задания 2 по чтению

Бегло прочитайте текст, чтобы понять общее содержание , тему;

Прочитайте первый вопрос и варианты ответа, далее переходи к внимательному чтению первого абзаца , выбери ответ на поставленный вопрос, найдите подтверждение выбранному ответу в тексте. Обратите внимание, что оно представлено в перефразированном виде , поэтому не старайтесь найти дословного ответа;

Подобная стратегия сохраняется и при поиске ответа на каждый вопрос;

Важно провести различие между фактами, приведенными в тексте, и вашими собственными выводами, сделанными на основе содержания текста;

Очень важно уметь отличать отсутствие в тексте информации от её несоответствия тексту:

    Выбирайте True , если об этом говорится в тексте, но возможно другими словами;

    Выбирайте False , если об этом говорится в тексте, но утверждение противоположно содержанию текста;

    Выбирайте Not stated , если об этом четко не говорится в тексте, но утверждение не противоречит его содержанию

Рассмотрим на примере:

The Best Job in the World
Have you ever heard of the Great Barrier Reef? It is the world"s largest coral reef system along the eastern coast of Australia. In February 2009 an extraordinary position was advertised by the Australian Tourism Office. The advertisement ran that the Great Barrier Reef needed
a caretaker for half a year . It was for a special person who would look after the Reef.

10. The Australian Tourism Office employs a new caretaker twice a year .
1) True 2) False
3) Not stated
Ответ: 3

The job"s duties were pretty simple. You could only dream of such
requirements. First, the person had to speak English and swim well. Second, on the island his responsibility included writing a weekly Internet blog. That"s right, weekly, not even daily! The job description also required the successful applicant to explore the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, swim, make friends with the locals and generally enjoy the tropical climate and lifestyle. A real dream!

There was no Internet on the islands of the Great Barrier Reef.

1)True 2) False 3) Not stated

Ответ: 2

Within the first 2 days of the contest, the tourism office received more than seven thousand online applications. All told, 34,000 people of all different nationalities applied . Each made and presented a 60-second video resume. They had to be creative and they were. In the end 16 people were chosen, who flew to Australia for the final selection. The candidates were interviewed and the winner was Ben Southall from the UK.

12. People from different countries applied for the job.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Ответ: 1

Цель - учить детей сравнивать предметы, видеть в предме­тах разные их свойства, располагать предметы в определенном порядке, выделив при этом существенный признак.



Ход занятия. Педагог рассказывает: «У девочки Ани был день рождения. Ей подарили матрешку. Аня ее раскрыла и увидела, что там целых пять матрешек. Она захотела их по­ставить по росту, но перепутала. Расскажи Ане, как ей расста­вить матрешек по росту». В случае затруднения педагог начи­нает говорить: «Надо вначале на первое место поставить самую большую матрешку, а потом какую?» Ребенок продолжает: «На второе место - немного поменьше матрешку, а на третье место, посредине, поставить среднюю. На четвертое место - еще мень­шую, а на пятое, последнее, - самую маленькую». После того, как ребенок расскажет сам, ему предлагают рассказать Ане, как можно расставить матрешек по-другому: от маленькой до са­мой большой (« Какую матрешку надо поставить на первое мес­то? А на второе место какую?» и т. д.). В случае затруднения ребенку надо дать пятиместную матрешку, предложить расста­вить матрешек по росту, а потом помочь рассказать, какая мат­решка на каком месте стоит.


Ход занятия. Педагог рассказывает: «Матрешки посе­лились в новом доме. Каждая получила свою квартиру. Самая маленькая - на первом этаже; на втором - немного побольше; на третьем - еще побольше, средняя матрешка; на четвертом -еще побольше, а на пятом, последнем этаже - самая большая. Они порадовались своим квартирам и пошли в парк гулять. Пришли вечером и забыли, кто где живет. Помоги же матреш­кам найти свои квартиры. Расскажите им, где их квартиры».

В случае затруднения педагог задает уточняющие вопросы: «Кто же живет на первом этаже, а кто на втором?» Можно со­здать игровую ситуацию и организовать практический опыт детей, а потом предложить им рассказать по реальной ситуа­ции, где живет какая матрешка. Затем можно предложить де­тям зарисовать эту ситуацию и рассказать о ней.


Ход занятия. Педагог рассказывает: « В зоопарке жили разные животные: медведь, волк, лиса, заяц и ежик. Им для зимовки построили домики, разные по величине. Вначале по­ставили первый, самый маленький. Потом немного побольше. Третий - еще больше. А четвертый - еще больше. Пятый пост­роили самый большой. Расскажи, в каком домике может посе­литься каждый из этих зверей. Почему?» В случае затрудне­ния можно организовать постройку этих домиков, обыграть ситуацию и предложить ребенку рассказать, каких зверей куда он поселил. Почему?

Настольные игры

Цель - учить детей раскладывать изображения предметов в определенной последовательности, ориентируясь на качество предметов.


Оборудование: наборы карточек с изображением сле­дующих персонажей: дедушки, мужчины, школьника, дош­кольника, младенца; на обратной стороне - полоски разной длины: самая длинная изображает дедушку, короче - мужчи­ну, еще короче школьника и т.д. (рис. 84).


Оборудование: наборы карточек с изображением сле­дующего вида одежды: зимнее пальто, осеннее пальто, зимнее платье, летнее платье, купальник; на обратной стороне - по­лоски соответствующей длины (рис. 85).


Оборудование: наборы карточек с изображением сле­дующих приборов для освещения: свеча, настольная лампа, лю­стра, прожектор, солнце; на оборотной стороне - полоски соот­ветствующей длины (рис. 86).


Оборудование: наборы карточек с изображением пред­метов одного размера: гиря, арбуз, кусочек дерева, резиновый мячик, воздушный шарик; на обратной стороне - полоски со­ответствующей длины (рис. 87).


Оборудование: наборы карточек с изображением раз­личного выражения лица одного и того же человека: от весело­го до грустного; на обратной стороне каждой карточки - полос­ки соответствующей длины (рис. 88).

Оборудование: наборы карточек с изображением раз­личных видов транспорта: самолет, поезд, легковой автомо­биль, автобус, пароход; на обратной стороне - убывающие по длине полоски (рис. 89).


Оборудование: наборы карточек с изображением раз­ных животных: тигр, волк, лиса, заяц, мышь; на обратной сто­роне - убывающие по длине полоски (рис. 90).

Ход занятия. Педагог раздает детям первый набор кар­точек, по одной на каждого участника игры, предлагает разло­жить по порядку (кто старше): сначала самого старшего, потом помоложе и т.д. Когда детивыполнят задание, педагог просит перевернуть карточки и рассмотреть на обратной стороне по­лоски разной длины. Если карточки подобраны верно, то по­лоски расположены по убывающей - от длинной к короткой. Если допущена ошибка, нарушается последовательность поло­сок. В итоге дети обобщают в речи принцип систематизации.



Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному A-G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1. Travelling with the family

2. My lifelong friend

3. A favourite activity

4. Professional care and help

5. A soulmate to travel with

6. People travelling together

7. A happy acquaintance

8. Numerous functions

A. My five elements to enjoy and value in life are love, food, fashion, entertainment and travel. But one element that includes the others is travel. With the mention of travel, my eyes glisten and heart begins to pound. My favourite saying goes: "A hopeful heart and an open mind are the best travelling companions". During my trips I do my best to follow it. Travelling for me is experiencing and learning.

B.You can"t get lost in an unknown place with Travelling Companion Panorama Camera. It is an optimal tourist technology. This cutting-edge concept is a device that combines the capabilities of several different gadgets and aids that out-of-towners often find useful. You can hold this device in one or both hands and have a clear display in front your eyes. It can help you to map your routs, to discover places of interest and to record your trip.

C. Those who love to travel, take every opportunity to ride on anything but enjoy the ways and the items at every stop. The most pleasurable feeling for them is when they have someone with whom they can share their happiness, with whom they can talk and relax. Nobody wants to be alone in the world and while enjoying something which one is very fond of like "travelling", one feels the need of the right kind of companionship.

D. As John left the wood, a voice called after him, "Hallo, comrade, where are you travelling?" "Into the wide world," he replied; "I am going into the wide world also," replied the stranger; "shall we keep each other company?" "With all my heart," he said, and so they went on together. Soon they began to like each other very much, for they were both good; but John found out that his fellow traveller was much cleverer than himself. He had travelled all over the world, and could describe almost everything.

E. We have a list of people willing to use vacation time from their job to accompany you on vacation. While none of our clients may need a doctor or a nurse to get around, all of our travellers enjoy the comfortable feeling of travelling with a companion who has professional education and experience. You can talk directly with each companion about your needs while travelling. An experienced travel companion can solve most problems in advance and handle other challenges as they arise.

F. Like all little girls, I had an obsession with Barbie dolls. Once I was presented with a doll named Samantha, who had a bright red velvet dress and matching bow in her brown hair. She came with a little travel coat which, in the words of my mom, made her the perfect travel companion. The doll was fantastically lovely and cute and I couldn"t part with it. Even growing older while travelling it was always in my baggage waiting for my company.

G. A Travelling Companion is "a person or persons with whom you have coordinated travel arrangements, who shares the same accommodations as you and intends to travel with you during the trip". These are people you are not related to - those people are usually family members. Usually "Travelling Companion" means up to six persons whose names appear with yours on the same trip arrangement and who, during the trip, will accompany you.

Изучив советы по выполнению заданий ЕГЭ из Раздела 2 по чтению (см. Демонстрационный вариант ЕГЭ 2016 Английский язык, Раздел 2 Чтение), выполните следующие тренировочные варианты.

Вариант 1

Задание 10

Установите соответствие между текстами A – G и заголовками 1 – 8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

  1. Mixing styles
  2. Internet sensation
  3. Short lifetime
  4. Money worries
  5. Celebrity style
  6. Cheaper to buy
  7. Rebels no more
  8. Shopping frenzy

Youth sub-culture isn’t what it used to be. In the 1960s, youths who were protesting against their parents or society dressed a certain way to show their anger, or to feel like they belonged to something. Nowadays, parents are more accepting of their children, and society is more accepting of different people. There is less of a need to act out, so there are fewer sub-cultures as a result.

There are still a few youth sub-cultures these days. One phenomenon is haul girls – teenage girls who shop till they drop, then come home with a big ‘haul’, usually several bags of clothes. Then they make a video of what they bought, and not just any old video, either. They put great effort into it, with editing and a storyline. It’s their way of showing off what they love to do.

In the old days, it took quite a lot of cash to get the look you desired. If you wanted to be Goth, going out and buying black boots, black clothes and black jewellery would cost a considerable amount. It’s all become more affordable now, so you can belong to one youth sub-culture one week and another the next, more or less.

There are fewer differences between youth sub-cultures than there used to be. In the old days, a hippie looked like a hippie. A punk looked like a punk, and nothing else. But it seems that the youth of today sometimes combines looks. One example is seapunk, which is punk but much more colourful and with a bit of hip-hop added. At least it’s still very creative!

A youth sub-culture is defined by many things. It’s the need to stand out, or the need to protest, or the need to belong. These days, kids are quite worried about their future. University has become very expensive, and the job market isn’t as strong as it used to be. How can anyone focus on creating a unique style when they’re facing such deep financial concerns?

Sometimes a youth sub-culture can come out of nowhere. Take Molly Soda, for example. Molly Soda is a teenage girl who posted some short films on YouTube that quickly became highly popular. Her style of dress, with her blue hair and nose piercing, is now copied by thousands of girls who find it cool. They’re called Molly Soda girls, from a youth sub-culture born overnight!

It is true that youth sub-cultures are like trends. They are born, they gain popularity, and then soon enough, everyone’s joined in. At that point, they are finished. This timeline used to be much longer than it is today. Now, with social media, trends spread much faster, which means they die a death much faster, too. A sub-culture is lucky if it lasts a whole year these days!


Задание 11

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7 . Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.


The theory of evolution says that all living things on Earth, A ____________, come from a common ancestor by slowly changing down the generations. Darwin suggested that the way living things changed over time is through natural selection. This is the better survival and reproduction of those B ____________ . Fitting into the place where you live is called adapting. Those who fit best into the place where they live, the best adapted, have the best chance to survive and breed. Those who are less well-adapted C ____________ . If they do not survive well enough to raise young, that means they do not pass on their genes. In this way, the species gradually changes.

The first chapter of the Origin deals with domesticated animals, D ____________ . Darwin reminded readers of the huge changes mankind had made in its domestic animals, which were once wild species. The changes were brought about by selective breeding – choosing animals with desirable characters to breed from. This had been done generation after generation, E __________ . Perhaps what man had done deliberately, might happen in nature, where some would live more offspring than others.

Darwin noticed that although young plants or animals are very similar to their parents, F ___________ and there is always a range of shape, size, colour and so on. Some of these differences the plant or animal may have got from their own ancestors, but some are new and caused by mutations.

  1. including plants, animals and microbes
  2. tend not to survive
  3. such as cattle and dogs
  4. it would have a better chance to survive
  5. that best fit their environment
  6. no two are exactly the same
  7. until our modern breeds were produced

Задания 12 – 18

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12–18 . В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1 , 2 , 3 или 4 , соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Crash Landing

At that time the people of Britain would have been shocked to know that women were flying their most famous war plane. But the fact is that the ATA (Air Transport Auxiliary) had over 100 women pilots who delivered more than 300,000 air craft during the war. We had to fly the Spitfires from the factories and deliver them to airfields dotted around the south of England. Normally we would be flying in daylight with good visibility conditions. That is why we were never given instrument training as our instructors told us that with all the restrictions of war time, there was no time or money to spare for this luxury.

Occasionally we had to fly other aircraft – without any kind of additional training at all. Probably some high ranking, non-flying military official somewhere said that all aircraft were exactly the same to fly. Well – I can assure you that this is not true. With unfamiliar aircraft we had ten minutes to read an instruction booklet called the “Ferry Pilot Notes”. And that was it. We had to climb in, fire up, taxi and then take off in completely unknown flying machines.

That particular day, the day I came so close to death, was my twenty-first birthday. I had no cake or candles that day and my two friends and myself shared some chocolate – the only luxury available in those days. We drank apple juice, and ate the apples and cheese. We entertained ourselves with silly stories. But at one solemn moment we also made a toast to absent friends and remembered the girls who had died delivering aircraft.

In the morning we were driven to the factory and my worst fears were realised. Instead of a lovely new and familiar Spitfire I had a bulky Torpedo bomber. We all hated these as several had crashed without any clear reason why. I was able to take the Ferry Pilot Notes into the canteen and studied them over breakfast. I had a very uneasy feeling in my stomach which had nothing to do with the breakfast I was consuming. I had birthday kisses from the other girls but it only made me feel worse.

At about 11 I was given my flight plan and it was time to go. I looked at the sky. There was a strange quality to the light that I didn’t like and I was worried. With no instrument training, fog or mist made flying incredibly dangerous and absolutely terrifying. With a heavy heart I fired up the engine.

Within 20 minutes I was approaching the river Forth. But I couldn’t see the river as clouds thickened up around me. I took the aircraft lower looking for a glimpse of the ground. At one point I was sure that I was virtually at ground level but I couldn’t see a thing. It was too dangerous to continue. I could hear my heart beating even over the roar of the engine.

When it happened – it happened really quickly. The plane hit water. I didn’t see anything. I was thrown against my straps – and then a flood of cold seawater in my eyes and mouth. I was a mile out to sea!

I was certain I was going to die. Funnily enough – I was perfectly calm. I even thought that my ATA insurance payment would really be a big help to my Mother. But then survival instinct kicked in. I was still alive – and close to shore. I had no life jacket or any survival gear but I was a good swimmer. I was certain there were no bones broken and I didn’t have to swim far. I was picked up by a fishing boat that I had narrowly missed in the fog. And in the end I got a real birthday drink after all – a cup of spiced, dark rum.

12. Women pilots from ATA had no instrument training because

1) it was an auxiliary air force.

2) they were not supposed to fly in low visibility.

3) their main job was to deliver Spitfires to airdromes.

4) there was no money for this during the war.

13. The Ferry Pilot Notes were instruction booklets written to

1) help women pilots.

2) explain how to fly the plane.

3) ensure further training.

4) explain how to behave in dangerous situations.

14. The narrator and her friends had no cake because

1) it was still the day before her birthday.

2) they preferred apples and cheese.

3) it was hard to obtain one in wartime.

4) it was a tradition to eat it in the pilot canteen.

15. The narrator was unhappy to take a Torpedo bomber because

1) it was a bulky aircraft.

2) she preferred to fly Spitfires.

3) she didn’t know how to fly it.

4) the plane was notorious.

16. The narrator flew with a heavy heart because she

1) didn’t feel healthy.

2) found her flying plan incredibly dangerous.

3) was worried there might be poor visibility.

4) was in a blue mood.

17. The narrator’s words “It was too dangerous to continue” refer to her decision to

1. Our never sleeping part 5. Pre-sleep activities 2. Influence on academic results 6. Sleeping classes 3. Advantages of bedtime routine 7. A negative effect on health 4. Good sleeping conditions 8. The mechanism of dreaming A. Recent research shows that lots of teenagers are suffering from lack of sleep which is causing problems with their behaviour and learning. As a result schools have introduced a new lesson where students are given more of an idea of the importance of sleep. According to medical data, they should get at least nine hours" sleep a night. Young people should realise that sleep is very important if they want to do well at school and enjoy life. B. It’s common knowledge that people sleep best in a dark room that is slightly cool. It"s important to close your blinds or curtains and make sure they"re heavy enough to block out the light. You can add extra blankets or wear pyjamas if you"re cold. Note that an uncomfortable bed, heat and noise can ruin a good night"s sleep. A TV is also a distraction. C. If you don’t sleep enough or have a disturbed sleep you can get heart disease, high blood pressure and even diabetes. People who don"t sleep enough get colds and flu more often than those who do. Moreover, recent research proves that poor sleepers gain weight more easily than people who sleep well. Extra kilos are the reaction of the body to the stressful sleepless situation. D. Think twice before watching a movie late at night. Don’t spend sleeping time on endless computer games. The thing is that by getting up and going to bed at the same time every day, even on weekends, you teach your body to follow a healthy regime. You"ll quickly fall asleep, will have a good night’s sleep and will wake up at the expected time feeling fresh and active. E. Some easy steps can prepare your body for going to sleep. You probably have some regular bedtime habits, even if you don’t realise it. Brushing your teeth, taking a shower, reading a book and setting your alarm clock may all be part of your evening routine. Remember that you should perform these activities in the same manner and in the same order every night. Английский язык. 9 класс вариант 2 2018 г. - 6 / 11 F. Sleepless nights at exam time are very bad for students. If you prepare for your exam late at night, it will not improve your performance during the exam. On the contrary, it will affect your ability to concentrate, to react quickly and to analyse information. Recent research shows that the results of the tests written after sleepless nights are lower than usual grades. G. If you think that during sleep, the brain rests, you"re mistaken. It"s a common myth about sleep. Sleep is definitely needed – but it"s not your brain that needs to rest, it"s your body that needs to relax. Your brain is still working when you"re asleep, controlling physical functions like breathing and your heart beat. However, because the brain does not have to go through the constant stress of thinking, you get up refreshed and recharged.

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Английский язык. 9 класс вариант 2 2018 г. - 7 / 11

April Fools" Day

April Fools’ Day, or All Fools’ Day, is an odd holiday which encourages us to play tricks and fool our family and friends. There is some uncertainty about when and where this bizarre tradition began. Popular belief says that April Fools’ Day started in the 16th century in France but there are not enough facts to confirm it.

Anyway, according to legends and a small number of facts, the story seems to be as follows. Before the 16th century, the New Year was celebrated in spring, around April 1st. In 1564 King Charles IX of France declared that the country would start using a new calendar, which changed New Year"s Day to January 1st. In those days, with no communication technologies, news travelled slowly and new ideas were often mistrusted. Many people still celebrated the New Year the old way. These people were called "fools" and became a target for jokers.

Playing jokes on April 1st became a custom and was later transported across the Atlantic to the American colonies. Nowadays, April Fools’ Day has developed into an international festival of fun.

Today in France, people who are fooled on April 1st are called Poisson d"Avril, which literally means the April Fish. Children stick paper fish to their friends’ backs. There are different fish souvenirs in the shops and chocolate fish of all shapes and sizes are sold in supermarkets. In England, if a trick is played on you, you are a noodle. Remember that in this country you should observe the time limit - tricks can be played only in the morning. People playing jokes after midday are April fools themselves.

April Fools’ jokes should not harm anyone. The best jokes are when everyone laughs, especially the people the joke was played on.

One of the great April Fools’ jokes happened on April 1st, 1957. BBC TV did a documentary on "spaghetti farmers" growing "spaghetti trees." The report showed a family from Switzerland carrying out their annual spaghetti harvest. It showed women carefully pulling long thin pieces of spaghetti from a tree and laying them in the sun to dry.

The joke was an enormous success. A lot of people were fooled - the BBC began to receive hundreds of calls from puzzled viewers. “Did spaghetti really grow on trees?”, they wanted to know. Others were eager to learn how they could grow their own spaghetti tree. To this the BBC replied that they should "place a piece of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best."

Another famous April joke was played by the Burger King Company in the USA in 1998. They ran an advertisement about launching a “twin brother” of their most famous sandwich Whopper. Along with the traditional Whopper they were going to sell a Left-Handed Whopper, which was specially designed for the company’s

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left-handed customers. According to the advertisement, they rotated all the ingredients 180 degrees. Amazingly, thousands of customers requested the new sandwich at their restaurants.

There is reliable written evidence about the date of the first April Fools’ Day. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated Ответ:
It was King Charles IX of France who named the holiday All Fools’ Day. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated Ответ:
People in America started to celebrate April Fools’ Day later than Europeans. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated Ответ:
In France the April Fish is a person who has fooled someone. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated Ответ:
On April Fools’ Day, English people play jokes from morning till night. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated Ответ:
There were people who believed the BBC joke about spaghetti. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated Ответ:

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